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why do people believe in christianity

But I have reconciled myself to it, and am more than willing to explain my reasoning for this in much greater detail. They would rather live a life completely free of any accountability to God. One of the things that I found that makes Christianity stand out from the other religions is that the God of Christianity claims to have a relationship with His followers. Many people are simply not interested in religion. is not because they have extensively researched the historicity and veracity of the claims, it is because they don't believe such things happen in the world. I have read the Bible over 25 times and have never seen it there. While the history of the books is interesting, it has little to do with why I believe. Why do most Christians believe in the rapture when it is not in the Bible? If so, then let the theologians debate the issues and leave me out. When they do that, they won't feel bad about the sinful things they do. Why does it seem like the smartest people are the ones who reject Christianity? Some Christians believe that those who sin less or are more religious are more loved by God. Some people think, there are enough problems with the image of evangelicals without creating unnecessary controversies. Good for you for asking. There is clear evidence that prayer does not work despite the Bible promising prayers will be answered. Why do people believe Jesus was raised from the dead? It's a question that changes lives, cultures, and kingdoms. Dr. Michael Kruger explains the factors that influence our beliefs and decisions, arguing that Christianity is the truth, even if those around us reject it. We're not better, we're just better off. Paul, who was extremely disinclined to believe in a resurrected Jesus, became the greatest evangelist for the Christian faith, wrote much of the New Testament, and died for the faith. And this may be a deal breaker for you. The Messiah will reign as King at a time when all the Jewish people will observe G-d's commandments (Ezekiel 37:24; Deut. A person is self-aware, aware of others, speaks, has a will, can love, hate, reason, etc. Here is the question, finally: Why do Christians need to believe in the Incarnation? The Historical Nature of Genesis I am often asked why the creation/evolution controversy is so important. This is an important part of the question "why do people believe in religion?" Of course, as people are many and diverse, so also are the reasons for why they choose not to believe in God. Has nothing to do with intelligence, it's because that Jesus makes too big of a moral and ethical demand on peoples' lives. Why do people believe in God? And, he maintains, many Christians in the West remain closed to the Spirit and are hampered by fear when it comes to relating to Him and tapping into his power. As the Jewish scholar Moshe Goshen-Gottstein put it, where Christians see the Bible as a story about God, humanity and salvation, Jews read it as being about God, people and land. The Theist Position: Why Do People Believe in Religion? This fact does not settle the issue, of course. 1:6-8), and many have sincerely, though erroneously, been led to believe that a false doctrine is genuine Christianity. Whether or not you're one of the people who believes He did, it may be one of the most important questions you search to answer. Christians worship God exclusively because the Bible makes it clear it is God who 'created the heavens and the earth'. Christians find many reasons in the Bible to believe in life after death. No more guilt feeling. Why do Christians believe Jesus is the only way of salvation? Many of the people who conclude that all religions lead to the same God appear to do so because they do not have exhaustive knowledge of every religion to conclude otherwise. Why do people believe some parses of the Bible, but not all? Christian = Heaven. The Bible teaches that God respects other faiths. There are some Christians in the history of church, Dispensationalists, they're called, who believe in something called a pre-Tribulational Rapture. Is it just a matter of interpreting Genesis? Think of the Trinity by comparing it to time. Is God Real?Facebook.com/ImEricaCampbell Twitter.com/ImEricaCampbell Instagram.com/ImEricaCampbell Snapchat.com/add/ericamcampbell YouTube.com/ImEricaCampbel. The world has a lot of people in it who don't believe in Jesus but some of them are just as good as the Christians I know (or even better). Many Christians actively condemn magic as satanic, holding that it opens the way for demonic possession.Some Christians simply view it as entertainment. Because people would like to continue living in sin, they would simply turn a blind eye and convince themselves that God doesn't exist. The Christian has a Triune God, "a tangled trinity," which seems a mere capricious contradiction in terms. The East has logic and lives on rice. Christians do believe in spiritual beings and the reality of the spiritual realm, but they do not believe that those spirits are ghosts. Misplaced confidence. THen they often wonder, if I want to believe in Jesus - How Do I Believe? The answer is simple: Christians don't believe a word of Jesus Christ. That is, they believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate beings, thus denying the essential monotheistic statements of both the . Therefore, we say that God is a Trinity of persons. A New Testament scholar is tackling a subject that has confounded sincere Christians across the ages: the identity and function of the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Dispensationalism adds a twist Their conscience won't bother them anymore. This week, we spoke about Bible-based answers to this question. It's a historically, politically, and socially vital question. Yet, each speaks about the other persons. #1 Christians don't have to believe that Christianity is the only valid path to God. On the whole, Republicans are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories than Democrats, the survey showed. Religious Hypocrisy Imagine growing up in a home where your parents forced you to attend church services but never talked about Jesus throughout the week. The Messiah will reign as King at a time when all the Jewish people will observe G-d's commandments (Ezekiel 37:24; Deut. Infinite pleasure vs infinite pain. The story of . These 10 reasons why many atheists will not believe in God, are most often, the principle and true . What would you choose? Not becoming a Christian = Hell. Well, it's the same reason most unintelligent people don't believe in Jesus. Is it just a matter of interpreting Genesis? The Bible claims to be the word of God. Before we discuss the reasons why religion is harmful and should be abandoned, we first need to explore two topics. This is an important part of the question "why do people believe in religion?" As a consequence, if God created all things, then there can be no other god. CHART I Religion in China (CGSS's average 2012) [130] (red) No organized religion (87.2%) (black) Taoism (0.2%) (yellow)Buddhism (6.2%) (blue) Christianity (Protestant) (2.0%) That's the reason most people don't become Christians, and not any other. 4. The Koran claims to be the word of Allah; the Book of Mormon claims to be the revelation of God. It can be easy to think this way and believe we have to work to get approval or love from God. Q&A: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? For most people in the world, the answer seems obvious: Because it's self-evident that God exists. People don't want to do that. Some people think, there are enough problems with the image of evangelicals without creating unnecessary controversies. I believe the Bible because it describes a way living (Christian) that I have come to know is better than any other I have lived and my experience of life is all I need to come to belief. In explaining why people of faith embrace conspiracy theories, experts point out that their religion may not be the sole source of the problem. I was scared of death and my father and stepmother told me in no uncertain terms that I would go to hell for eternity if I didn't become a Christian. Any other god that people choose to worship is, in reality, something they have created or dreamt up for themselves. Some topics included sowing and reaping, opening spiritual doors we shouldn't, etc. It is the sacred responsibility of every child of God to show the distinction between truth and error, to draw the line between primitive Christianity and . Why should we believe it to be the word of God? Jesus cannot be both God and not God at the same time. Learning about what the Bible says about ghosts can get confusing, especially when our culture has warped our view on what a ghost looks like and does. Whenever Christians talk about their faith with other Christians or with non-Christians the Bible is there, either as an overt discussion topic or as part of the background noise in the room. From the point of view of the believer, the really puzzling . We cannot place every person in specific categories, for the true motivations of a persons heart are know only to that person and to God. So these people believe that because God is going to restore Israel and keep His promises in a literal, earthly fashion Israel, that He's going to do this during the seven year Tribulation period. Isn't that being rather narrow-minded and judgmental? As a consequence, if God created all things, then there can be no other god. Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Christians do not seek to subvert the political process; they engage it, as it is the right of every citizen. Tempers flare, sometimes explosively, over this issue. For the vast . If living your highest purpose is to let God be in control then there is a certain vanity about creation and the human race. We are all here not to live our lives and be the best people we can be.. But in action he bestrides the earth, and even the cleverest Eastern can only fight him by imitating him first. WHY DO PEOPLE BELIEVE? Parents Research shows time and again the significant and important role that parents play in religious identity—particularly fathers. What textual support is there for this? 1) Mormons are polytheists, not monotheists. The existence of this choice may be obvious to them, but most people do not conceive that there is such a choice to make. This means they may vote, rally, lobby, caucus, and hold office just like any other citizen—all the while promoting laws that reflect their own values. Any other god that people choose to worship is, in reality, something they have created or dreamt up for themselves. And which Christian groups or writers teach this? Belief in God requires hope in the believer — which can be tough to come by when we see and experience so much suffering. Jeffrey Kranz on November 5, 2018 at 10:49 am. There are many reasons why a person might not believe, and most of them do not include malicious rebellion: maybe they never had a chance to learn about God, or maybe they suffered abuse at the . 30:8,10; Jeremiah 31:32; Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36 . Many believe there are supporting Scriptures that indicate that it is both needful and that it does indeed exist. A similar share (18%) say they are religiously unsure. The second I mention I am a Christian, I am automatically labeled "homophobe", "racist", among other labels. Why do some people believe that the 7 kingdom parables (Matt 13:3-52) and the 7 churches of revelation (chapter 2 and 3) represent the same things? Paul becoming a Christian is like Osama bin Laden becoming an American patriot. Why do Christians believe Paul's phoney doctrine of original sin? Forgiveness is the greater miracle. From the point of view of the believer, the really puzzling question. These were the three primary ways of interpreting the end-times until the late 19th century. Gal. Wars have increased dramatically in the world since the start of Christianity. Or iS it just a way to scare people to turn to God? The reasons can be alluring: Belief in God seemingly requires suspending some of what we understand scientifically. For most people in the world, the answer seems obvious: Because it's self-evident that God exists. 1. Why So Many People Don't Want to Believe in the Resurrection If Jesus Christ died and came back to life, then our modern secular worldview is wrong. Why do Christians believe in the Trinity? One of the reasons most Christians find it hard to believe that I am a Christian myself is because I do not affirm the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. Try as some do to rewrite history, the evidence of the countless numbers of hospitals, orphanages, schools, disaster and hunger relief organizations, homeless shelters, clothing and basic needs providers, etc., that were founded and continue to be run by Christians provide witness of Christianity's love towards people and refutes critics in . They believe that we think that we are better than non-Christians, which is not true. I'd like to invite everyone to listen in and share your comments. Denominational clergymen have taught a perverted gospel (cf. Wars have increased dramatically in the world since the start of Christianity. Islam teaches that Jesus is not God in the flesh - where Christianity does. 30:8,10; Jeremiah 31:32; Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36 . Jesus is a statement, God's statement, about humanity as such." Christian views on magic vary widely among denominations and among individuals. This includes people who say they are religious in some way despite being unaffiliated (e.g., "I believe in God, but in my own way"), others who describe themselves as "seeking enlightenment" or "open-minded," and several who say they are "spiritual" if not religious. Reason #1 - The Christian God is the Only God That Claims to Have a Relationship With You When I was an atheist, there was a time when I did a lot of research about religions. In fact, modern science was created mainly by Christians who believed in an active Creator. I am none of those things. Most people who encounter—or even fully believe—conspiracy theories don't take up arms and storm family restaurants. Here's why: HEAVEN VS HELL I felt like I had no real choice in the matter. So it was acceptable and everywhere practiced that people would worship all the gods they wanted, and none of the gods insisted that you worship them alone. I believe this question has been asked by believers and unbelievers alike. Last fall, Soros, who supports the Democratic Party and is the subject of many anti-Semitic conspiracies, was among the high-profile figures who had pipe bombs mailed to their homes. But at least we know that Christians do not believe something about the Bible which it does not claim for itself. Sure, Christians and the church have their faults but who doesn't? Reason #5 - Observance of the Torah Embraced by All Jews - Jesus didn't bring this about. The reason why the majority of people don't believe in Scientology, reincarnation, Mormonism, Greek Gods, etc. Purgatory means "a cleansing place." Purgatory is the place where "small sins" that have been committed since the last time the person participated in the sacrament of reconciliation are purged as a person spend times there . The Theist Position: Why Do People Believe in Religion? Growing up in a Faithless Family In one study, 32% of atheists said they grew up in a home with parents who didn't believe in God. Our sin debt is paid and we can have fellowship with God. The Historical Nature of Genesis I am often asked why the creation/evolution controversy is so important. Reason #5 - Observance of the Torah Embraced by All Jews - Jesus didn't bring this about. Even this short article presents ample evidence to answer, Because the Bible teaches that God is a Trinity of three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Before we discuss the reasons why religion is harmful and should be abandoned, we first need to explore two topics. Politics plays a role in all of this, too, they say. Powerful - lot of people think that the early Christians came to believe Christ rose from the dead because they so much wanted it to be true, that it was some form of wish fulfillment - but every single person who became a believer in the resurrected Christ had to be convinced against his will, convinced against what he believed to be true . First, we'll discuss what the claims of theists (and atheists) actually are. So the people reading this divide into two broad groups: some are people who have decided that they want to be followers of Jesus, Christians; others are people who are not sure about Christianity. Christianity was different. They include: Eternal life - Jesus promised that his followers . In the second category, you're probably a spiritual person but you're not into organized religion (oxymoron though that is). Some Christians believe that those who sin less or are more religious are more loved by God. One reason Christians don't believe in reincarnation—the belief that we come back to life over and over again—is because they believe in heaven. "The point of incarnation language," the Catholic theologian Roger Haight writes, "is that Jesus is one of us, that what occurred in Jesus is the destiny of human existence itself: et homo factus est. [ Gen 1:1 ]. So the people reading this divide into two broad groups: some are people who have decided that they want to be followers of Jesus, Christians; others are people who are not sure about Christianity. I don't have space here to give the evidence but if you are not aware of it, I can provide it. 1. [ Gen 1:1 ]. If they 'reject' it, they are thus 'choosing Hell' as their permanent future. Jesus respected the non-Jewish Canaanite woman's faith (Mt 15:28). March 14, 2018 Christians often say that people have a choice to make between accepting Jesus' offer of salvation or rejecting it. Caravaggio, "The Incredulity of Saint . People talk poorly of Jesus, Christians, and the church all the time. Paul was a leader in persecuting Christians, whom he viewed as dangerous blasphemers. 1. Rauschenbusch saw the " Christianizing" or, in reality, the democratizing of various segments of society as signs that the kingdom of God was "always but coming." Still others proposed a metaphorical millennium. They have to bend the knee. Here are my eight reasons why Christianity is false. Well, lots of reasons. Stopped Believing in Religious Teachings They saw their scientific work as highly consistent with a Creator whose thoughts are not always identical to ours and whose actions are not always limited by the very natural laws he created himself. It had the only true God and it was missionary about it. 2. . Christians worship God exclusively because the Bible makes it clear it is God who 'created the heavens and the earth'. So there was no incentive to try to win "converts.". But such actions are becoming more common. Tempers flare, sometimes explosively, over this issue. They often complained about society as if they were perfect saints trapped in a world of sinners. Let me suggest two reasons: the tragedy of human existence and the magnitude of the claims involved. First, we'll discuss what the claims of theists (and atheists) actually are. They have replaced Christ with a character known as Paul. Such a God can—and did—raise Jesus from the grave. Christendom has mysteries-and motor cars. 2. If so, then let the theologians debate the issues and leave me out. It can be difficult to break out of the mindset that became engrained early in life. We find in Scripture that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit each exhibit these attributes. It seems that those who adopt this posture tend to hold to the view that the great religions must surely be the same, for they all teach us to be . Christianity teaches that there is only one God, and you cannot become a god. They cannot all be true. Some teach there is a hell, and others do not. Try as some do to rewrite history, the evidence of the countless numbers of hospitals, orphanages, schools, disaster and hunger relief organizations, homeless shelters, clothing and basic needs providers, etc., that were founded and continue to be run by Christians provide witness of Christianity's love towards people and refutes critics in . Some religions teach that we reincarnate, while others do not. Here is what I said about the matter in my book. Who was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, Died for our sins, rose again, and is one day going to come back and take his believers with him. In the second category, you're probably a spiritual person but you're not into organized religion (oxymoron though that is). 1. We can have victory over our sin nature and walk in fellowship and obedience with God. "T he Resurrection has proved its power; there are Christians—even in Rome." This is how Karl Barth, renowned Swiss theologian, described the conversion of the Roman Christians in his famous . Many people ask themselves why would I believe in the biblical Jesus? In fact, Christians will take the side of the Bible even when it contradicts logic, reason and common sense, and they'll come up with ridiculous far fetched explanations as to why it's not wrong - even when it clearly is, so they can continue to believe it's the greatest book ever written. There is abundant evidence to support each reason. why do people believe in PSA over Christus Victor. Here are some: 1. The main source of authority for Christians is the Bible. A lot of people are fascinated with crystals, many regarding them to possess mystical power that can be utilized for healing purposes. They never read the Scriptures, and they only ever prayed before meals. 1 Peter 4:4 "Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. Some believe that crystals can also stimulate spiritual . People did not want to accept Christianity because they thought Western people are malice and bad, and if they believe in Christianity, other people would leave them away. My daughter was willing to believe that Jesus died for her sins but unwilling to believe that God could send an angel to tell Mary about the Virgin Birth . Belief in God requires confidence in that which cannot be seen. Indeed the nature of God in Jesus includes holding dialogue with other faiths and respecting and loving people of other religions or paths to God. After all, if heaven is real (as Christians believe), then there isn't any need for an endless cycle of dying and coming back to Earth. 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