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logical reasons to get married

Getting married because of pressure, external influences and . Historically, it has not always been about love; rather, the point of marriage usually only involved sharing resources or maintaining a bloodline, such as a royal family. Love comes, love goes, and if you don't have other things to hold a couple together during times that you fall out of love, then the marriage is in jeopardy. Married men are less likely to commit crimes. 308 Shares. **Why is marriage more than a formal declaration of love and commitment between two people? That way you get credit for the time served if things don't work out. Grace Bains Updated on Oct 31, 2018, 15:32 IST. You take it to the checkout, pay and leave the store. Writer. Before taking the leap, explore these five reasons to get married. You may mean many things to the world, but for someone, you mean the world. He said Nigerians are invested in persuading single people to get married, then added that the only argument put forward to promote marriage is "social" or "moralistic". There's simply too much risk no matter how good the woman is. Multi-policy discounts and the lower price that comes with being married are just a few of the insurance . 2. Is it logical to get married and not have kids? Back to That Girl Who Is So Desperate To Be Married. After that, we'll discuss 6 terrible ones. The family still ask us when we are going t 87 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple. But, it seems like so many people are just getting married because it's the "next logical thing" or because they're desperate to start a family. If You Relate To These 8 Reasons NOT To Get Married, You May Just Be Better Off Without Putting A . The monster won't survive to the credits (until the next This is undoubtedly one of the logical reasons to get married." In the book, Phoenix Rising: The Rise and Fall of the American Republic, Donald G Lett writes that an average married couple has assets worth nearly $410,000 around the time of retirement, as compared to $154,000 in case of divorced and $167,000 for those who have never been married. What is the overall benefit? 35.6m. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. I suppose the logical thing to do is examine your motives and if you're 100% that you're just scared and doing everything else for the right reasons, do it anyway. People are marrying later in life (age 28 for women and 30 for men). I see lots of disadvantages (legal, financial, familial) but am drawing a blank for an actual, genuine, logical *reason* for a man to get married. readmore. A monster movie? Adults and youths raised in intact . Because all your friends are getting married: This reason usually strikes those in their twenties, when shortly after graduating college they have been to too many weddings, been the brides maid, but never the bride, the groomsman but never the groom. So make sure you are going down the aisle for the right reasons. 10 Reasons Not to Get Married aka 10 Signs She is Not Marriage Material Now that you have hopefully realized that there are in fact reasons why your girlfriend wants you to put a ring on her finger that have nothing to do with love, it is time to look at some dangerous red flags. According to him, there is no single logical reason to get married. Now, if you're in between the ages of 28 and 32 and planning a wedding, you're in good shape. Sex is more intimate and you have the luxury of time to really get to know one another on a sexual level. Any reason I can come up with is based either on . 5 Poor Excuses for Getting Married. Literal question - what benefits does it impart? Wanting to start a family together is an excellent reason to get married. So you have to love smart. These are the best reasons to walk down the aisle. Creating a stronger world for your kids to live in is a pretty good reason to get married. So before you walk down the altar with a niggling doubt in your head, consider these top ten worst reasons to get married. I don't think this is something you can get past without just going for it. Your family keeps asking when you're going to tie the knot. But here's a better question; As a young person, why should you get married? Here are my top 10 reasons NOT to get married: 10. In addition to the symbolism marriage provides to the family, it's also important to consider how the symbolism can strengthen your relationship with your partner. Because all your friends are getting married: This reason usually strikes those in their twenties, when shortly after graduating college they have been to too many weddings, been the brides maid, but never the bride, the groomsman but never the groom. Send any friend a story. Your friends are all doing it. Get a divorce and you could be entitled to cars, property, investments, and even alimony. You're gonna feel like you're in a rut, where you've given your whole life away to an enslaving job, nagging wife, spoiled kids, and a monotonous routine sexless life. During a traditional wedding ceremony, the man and woman make this vow: "I take you to be my . A certain fear begins to rise within the . The longer a man stays married, the higher the marriage premium he receives. Love, of course, is a logical reason to visit the registry office. In an old-fashioned Western, the white-hatted hero will ride into the sunset. To start a family. I am sure a lot of peeps here does not understand/ did not read the OP She is not against marriage; she is telling us four wrong reasons to get married. 4. . I resolved never to get married because I knew it was a raw deal, even before discovering game. 584. Wanting family and friends to share in your happiness as a couple. Exploring the world of online dating would mean putting a pause on things with Kate. If your dp can't live with getting married and you don't want to end the relationship, it might be worth working out what you want to get from the marriage and if it can be fulfilled in other ways. 6 logical reasons why you should never date a married person. Recommended Read: 15 Reasons Why Weddings In India Are An Affair Of A Lifetime 9. . After an unexpected pregnancy, getting married is the "right" thing to do. Marriage provides a supportive partner that can be a great uplifting influence that you can never get from any relationship. Viewing 50 posts - 1 . If you found the person that you want to start a family with, congratulations. You have a solid and secure relationship and it feels like the logical next step. Your friends may all be getting married, and you may begin to feel the pressure. Therefore, getting married in the month of June just after the annual bath was widely preferred by the couples to look clean and fresh during the wedding ceremonies. #8 Finally, there's the data-based argument: Marriage has . Growing old with someone. Dave Anderson. The point is "taxes" aren't a reason to get married — unless you both earn $8K/year and have 1+ kid (God help you.) Marriage is a sacred covenant between the couple and God. First off, the "next logical thing" for you may not be the right thing. Here are my top 10 reasons NOT to get married: 10. Learn about nine good reasons to get married. That isn't a reason to get married, it's an excuse not to make a decision! "If one spouse stays at home and the other has a high-paying job—or just a job—it benefits to file jointly." Reason to get married #12. 6. Your friends are all married. Other things to hold you together are: . But break up with a significant other and you may not get . Shaadi time is here and we're sure all the people in their 20s are already looking forward to the societal pressure and casual taunts about how this is the right time to get married. If You're Madly In Love, Marriage Isn't The Only Way To Have A Healthy Long-term Relationship. With that in mind, this post seeks to shine a light on some of the "wrong reasons to get married" that people use. 02 /7 You will always remain a rebound. Don't get married because you have been dating for some time now and it's the next 'logical' step. When the children fly the nest you will have each other to fall back on. Getting married is a huge decision, and you should be sure you're making it for the right reasons: You're deeply in love, you mutually respect each other, you're committed to and work hard at your relationship, you want the same things out of life, you understand and know each other well. Even if your relationship is already solid, they are very healthy motives for opting for marriage. You're tired of being single. The monster won't survive to the credits (until the next sequel comes out, that is). The study cites several reasons. The best path for me was to get married in my late 20s, buy a starter house (just did that), finish my MBA and get my career on a solid trajectory (working on this), then have kids around 31/32. But if you are marrying a man or woman whom you are not convinced is the life partner for you because of your desire to be a parent, you should reconsider. The 'kids' argument Marriage makes sense with kids, but not for the reasons we . Does there have to be a logical reason? A monster movie? He said Nigerians are invested in persuading single people to get married, then added that the only argument put forward to promote marriage is "social" or "moralistic". 9. They get married, some begin dating, engagement parties are thrown for others, and many others celebrate milestones with their partners. If these sound like you, take a step back and really think carefully about your decision before going through with it. Although happiness is often a very real byproduct of a healthy relationship, marriage is designed to pull dysfunction to the surface of our lives, set it on fire and help us grow. r/AskReddit. 3 Reasons to Stay Married. Getting married to your lover can be the most fulfilling thing in a relationship except when you are doing it for the wrong reasons. Again researchers constantly tell us that, for the most part, married folk are far happier for longer periods of time than single people. 1. rather than getting married as an active, conscious . Weiter Ayo Sogunro has said there is no single logical reason to get married. Marriage Is Constant "Compromise" (Meaning You Lose, No Matter What) In marriage everything is a compromise. There are lots of things that people do in life just because they want to and it's perfectly valid. Not everyone gets married right after they graduate, find a job, etc. Pressure. People can get married for many reasons; the practice of marriage is an old tradition. 13. One of the most logical reasons to get married is to have a support system for each other in your old age. 3 Primary Reasons To Get Married. . For some, "tying the knot" can be a frightening proposition, especially if their parents divorced. -. The sentence is never completed, but once married, the sex life gets dull, is the assumption from father figure types. If you choose to go the wedding route, having a celebration of . r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. The reason to get married has always been: because people want marriage. Getting married and filing taxes jointly may or may not help you. The Clock Is Ticking. It's even caused me to question whether I'm in a relationship for the right reasons. 10. 14. ** Watch a classic black-and-white movie, and you pretty much know how it's going to end. What possible reason could a man have for wanting to get married besides sentimental reason, pressure from his partner, or pressure from society? Give this article. It's only later that I realised about the many practical benefits of marriage. One of the worst reasons to get married is because of pressure from other people. So in this episode Dr Ro & Harms help bring to the surface the questions you may want to consider if you have or have not started to think about marriage: The logical reasons people get married. - [quote] Been married 15 years and we have no desire to have any kids. I've thought about this one all weekend, especially on my long run, and being a logical person, I cannot find a logical reason to get married. Not getting married does not give you the absolute right to discourage other women here. These statistics raise a couple of logical questions: "Is marriage a dying institution? There's no doubt about it, the biggest reason why people get married is because it symbolizes a union that is built on . How logical! To celebrate. These 10 worst reasons to get married should sound warning bells instead of wedding bells. A report in the British journal Health 24 lists the top six reasons people give for getting married: 6. Don't get married because she is 'marriage material' or because he'll make a 'really good husband . I never wanted to get married, for similar reasons to your dp, but if it really mattered to my dp I would do it to make him happy. 7. Many married couples say that their sex life takes on a new and deeper meaning. "With two high-earning individuals, you could end up paying more in taxes," Chemtob Moss & Forman LLP matrimonial lawyer and partner Susan M. Moss says. The problem was not that she didn't get married, the problem was that she was depicted in such a way implying that that you need to get married or some BS like that. Whether it's political, for love, or for legacy, it's only because people want it. Here are a few reasons why: 1. . But I was already deep into a relationship. People already don't get married but live together as if they were. If you have been wondering what is the point of a relationship, this article will provide you with 15 reasons to be in a relationship. 5. Married men make, by some estimates, as much as 40 percent more money than comparable single guys, even after controlling for education and job history. The emotional reasons people get married. Nigerian author and human rights activist, Ayo Sogunro has balderdashed the idea of coercing single people to get married in time. This is the reason why June is also associated with cleanliness and hence a good month for the wedding. People get married for the wrong reasons very often. You expect the other person to change. Many older men, married for years, are often seen doling out advice to young single guys twnety years their juniors, about having fun as long as they single, because "once you get married…". There's no logical reason why one can't have children or long-term female companionship without it. In an old-fashioned Western, the white-hatted hero will ride into the sunset. This is the reason why June is also associated with cleanliness and hence a good month for the wedding. Here are 9 great reasons to get married. April 13, 2015. The institute of marriage and what that means. By. I'd LOVE to get married — but for the right reasons. #7 Another reason is a set of practical concerns: People simply do not want the financial or legal entanglements that marriage entails. Be happy. "Nigerians are inordinately invested in persuading unmarried people to get married. And if it's a romance, you're. 17 Reasons Why I Married Her. You don't need to get married to have babies, so it would never be the one thing that kept marriage going as a tradition. if nothing else because it seems to be the next logical step. Anyone can read what you share. Your thread is absolutely nothing to write home about. Really though there is no one catch all answer to your question. Living in an intact, married family decreases one's likelihood of becoming a criminal. Entrepreneur. And if you're going to invest years of your life in someone, it seems only logical to get married. Your parents may insist that you marry someone from the same faith. Getting married is a decision that you must make when you are absolutely certain that this is the next step in your relationship, not because it would seem to be the next logical step. There are so many different reasons people get married, but I guess most do it as a social statement, "We are in love and we are together." That's my opinion though. Watch a classic black-and-white movie, and you pretty much know how it's going to end. Although waiting to get married makes logical sense for many reasons, prior to the study, there was no optimally defined age range when it comes to trying the knot. One of the things that your father or father confessor will continually attempt to drill into your head before you take the plunge is that marriage . Ayo Sogunro made this statement on his social media platform.He also stated that there is no logical reason to get married. In fact, getting a wife may increase an American male's salary by about as much as a college education. You either want to marry this person because you want to be married to them or not. 5. 1. So. It makes it too easy to drift into marriage . A certain fear begins to rise within the . But there are many logical reasons against marriage, such as the ones above . Here's the thing though- both of those are not good reasons. Answer (1 of 2): Actually, on it's own being 'in love' is not a good enough reason to get married. The logical part of me knows that a ring doesn't change a relationship, but my low-key obsession with marriage never really goes away. It's the right time. It's the next logical step. Perhaps I might . One of the most logical reasons to get married aside from love is to have a support system for each other. Society says you need to get married. The fact that you want to get married just so you can get lower taxes is a questionable and shaky foundation in my point of view. 10 good reasons to get married Image credit: Shutterstock - By Peter Berni 1) The paperwork solidifies your love for each other. Many couples are living together and raising kids outside of marriage. You have a responsibility to stop shaming women who want to get married. I'm not sure this girl exists. FAMILY PLANNING is an enormously important aspect. Mei is perfectly fine as a single kage yet kishi made a BS narrative regarding her and tried to show her in a bad light which makes no sense. Also, married couples are likely to get into fewer car accidents than single people. It's almost mandatory for everyone to get married one or the other day, so, why not today, The famous old saying repeated here, "Kabhi na kabhi to karni hi hai na (you have to do it someday or sometime)", as if after five essential components of nature, wedding is the sixth one without . Today, a bewildering number of choices can lead to indecision. This shouldn't be the only reason that you get married, but it is definitely something to take into consideration. Unfortunately this is one of the worst reasons to get married on this list. Answer (1 of 25): Young people are getting married, just not in droves. Mandatory Affair. Risk vs Reward Men aren't ready, and women don't have anything substantially legitimate to offer besides sex appeal . 13 Comments If you get married for the wrong reasons, don't be too surprised if you end as one of the many who get divorced (see this eye-opening infographic Divorce in America about the 50 percent of marriages that fail) Imagine that you're in a store and you found something beautiful that you've decided to buy. From those silly early morning conversations to learning each . He tweeted: "Nigerians are inordinately invested in persuading unmarried people to get married. Getting married is a decision that you must make when you are absolutely certain that this is the next step in your relationship, not because it would seem to be the next logical step. Nigerian writer Ayo Sogunro has made it clear he has no intention to get married. Study Finds More Reasons to Get and Stay Married. But if she does, I think we created her—by constantly reinforcing unrealistic romantic ideals and then judging any relationship that fails to live up to them. here are all the logical reasons you must consider before dating a married person. Getting married is a big decision. Log Kya Kahenge & 9 Other Totally Logical Reasons You Need To Get Married Right Away. I got married as a public declaration of commitment, Christian faith, love and because I knew I wanted us to be together for life. Talented writer and author Ayo Sogunro believes there is no single logical reason to get married. . Therefore, getting married in the month of June just after the annual bath was widely preferred by the couples to look clean and fresh during the wedding ceremonies. The Symbolic Show Of Love And Trust. According to him, Nigerians are extremely interested in luring unmarried people to get married and all arguments to push the agenda is either social or moralistic. After you get married, somewhere down the line, you're going to miss the freedom of being single. The job of marriage is to refine our dysfunction and spur us into progressive wholeness. However, true love requires a sense of responsibility for the other half and a willingness to sacrifice the most precious for it if necessary, and a blind passion, implicated only in a sense of novelty and strong sex drive, burns out very quickly. Top 10 Reasons Men Should Not Get Married. Home › Forums › Shidduchim › People Who Should Never Get Married This topic has 53 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by real-brisker. Berni 1 ) the paperwork solidifies your love for each other < /a > * * Watch classic... Friends may all be getting married because I knew it was a deal... Years and we have no desire to have any kids, even before discovering game silly early conversations. Responsibility to stop shaming women Who want to and it & # x27 ; re going to end your. 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logical reasons to get married

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