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arthur and mary beth fanfiction

A look back on the time John left the gang, as well as a Red Dead retelling of The Prodigal Son. The incident hardened Arthur ever since and he never truly coped with the pain. He can also ask him to find a book called "Shrew in the Fog" and will regularly provide Arthur with predator bait at his tent. The two then bid each other farewell, with mutual respect, this being the last time they see each other. A drunken Molly falsely claimed to have ratted on the gang when they moved to Beaver Hollow. I was thinking this was going to be a multi chapter fic, but as I started finding fanfic on tumblr and AO3 I noticed the second person format was popular, and wanted to try my hand at that, and then I got swallowed up in a hundred side projects all of which were in the second person, so this isn't "complete" but is essentially a collection of snippets I envisioned had Arthur made it out of chapter 6 in John's place. Arthur will ask Swanson questions about his decision to leave with him trying to explain himself. Charles told Arthur his illness is more of a blessing than a curse, because he is a aware of the short time he has left and has a chance to redeem himself, compared to some of their fallen brethren like Sean, Kieran, Hosea and Lenny, who never got a chance to seek redemption. If the player makes the decision to help John, Arthur decides sacrificing himself to save John. Arthur writes in one entry, sometime near his death, that he hopes John uses his brain better and that the luck that has eluded him will continue to help John instead. "Well, what do you think I came for, John?" Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. on Tumblr At camp Karen may sometimes go up to Arthur to talk to him, particularly when she is drunk. An accordion had just begun to play and they had begun to dance slowly. This view is further exacerbated when Dutch takes advantage of Eagle Flies' pent up rage at the U.S. Army, with Arthur feeling that Dutch is putting the Wapiti Tribe at risk and compromising the well-being and safety Rains Fall has fought so hard to gain and protect. This line of work, although lucrative, disgusted Arthur and would often bemoan Strauss' habit of loaning to people he very well knew could not pay the debt back. Imagine Arthur/Sean/Charles communicating with a non-English speaking immigrant reader. Send me your prompts/imagine ideas and the character and Ill write something! Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. Mary Linton is a good person. Even so, John would use Arthur's ring to propose to Abigail, showing the sentimental value Arthur has in his, and Abigail's, life. Im really into this fandom right now (after finishing both RDR1 and RDR2 (currently on my second play through)) so I wanted to start writing for it. Uses very bad, cringy, pick up lines. Around half-way through the storyArthur becomes wary of Dutch's steadily growing inclination towards violence,specifically when he drowns Angelo Bronte and feeds him to an alligatorasvengeance for setting him,and his gang,up at the trolley station. Arthur is filled with remorse over this, with Kieran having saved his life once but Arthur having been unable to save his. Mary sends Arthur another letter with the ring he gave her a long time ago. At camp Pearson never goes up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat, but he is one of the members Arthur can play Poker with. Arthur can also play Five Finger Fillet with her after the mission "Blessed are the Peacemakers". However, their last encounter is Arthur delivering his mortally wounded son after he chose to attack Cornwall's oil factory under Dutch's manipulation to compel him to do so. Arthur admired and respected Hamish greatly because of the way he has lived his life, despite his prosthetic leg. So if you wanted to picture Arthur and John in handsome military uniforms, then this is the story for you! Trelawny arranges a plan to rob a lucrative riverboat called the Grand Korrigan, which is hosting a Poker tournament, and plays the role of getting Arthur trimmed and suited for the job and arrange his escort. He tells both her and Abigail that they are the best women he has ever known and bids an emotional farewell. Boy has all the dexterity of his father before him, but he still managed a better job than Uncle who was on the bottle before I could get him working. ", but when he screws things up he is lampooned for it. When Kieran invites Arthur on a fishing trip he opens up about his past and reveals that his parents died from cholera when he was young and ended up joining the O'Driscoll Boys, albeit reluctantly. Before the train heist Arthur tries to talk to Dutch about letting John and his family leave the gang peacefully. This care for Arthur's well-being is further shown when, after Arthur and the others end up in Guarma and he locates them, Dutch exclaims with great relief that its a "goddamn miracle" that he had survived, and hurrying the others to get him some water immediately. Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. Howdy, my fellow outlaws! Even admitting that he likes Hosea more. To cope, he goes to live on a Big Valley cattle ranch owned by Jackson and Victoria Linton, two of Mary Linton's descendants. Will be more than happy to teach you how to draw. Three years during which you couldnt stop thinking about him. Arthur could illustrate the books that Mary Beth writes, and they could both make a living that way. His sandy blond hair almost glowed in the sunlight. Dutch also shows clear trust in Arthur and complete confidence in his protege's numerous abilities. Mary-Beth sits on the chair beside where Arthur has sprawled himself in the grass. Jack narratesand reimaginesseveral important moments in his early childhood. Despite his reservations Arthur was willing to save Trelawny when he was taken captive by the local sheriff in Rhodes, and did the same again, this time by bounty hunters. Initially, Arthur was antagonistic, and arguably cruel, towards Kieran because he had originally been an O'Driscoll at the time Arthur captured him. He wondered how long she would keep his favor. Early on in the story Pearson complains that there isn't enough meat to feed the camp and will ask Arthur, and Charles, to go hunting in order to get the necessary food. Due to Beatrice dying when he was very young, Arthur doesn't remember his mother very well. Now, youre officially an outlaw, hed say when you finally feel comfortable holding a revolver. The two grow close enough that Arthur feels comfortable to, for the first time, talk about his son and former lover, who both died after being murdered by two robbers over a petty amount of cash. Well, look no further because here you are! He will tell her how Arthur saved his life and that he thinks about him everyday, in response, she also reveals that she, too, thinks about Arthur a lot, showing how much she cares and respects Arthur before, and after, his death. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. Arthur is just trying to keep his family in one piece following the disasters events of Blackwater and Dutch's ever-more shaky grip on reality when Mary-Beth comes to him with a proposition he never sought, nor wanted. After being caught and reprimanded for her actions, she cant help but ask who the woman was. Arthur was one of the first to welcome Sadie into the group and he would try to offer his condolences for what she has been through, with Sadie mostly pushing Arthur away. When she got caught up in an argument with Pearson, the camp's cook, whilst working for him, Arthur intervened and Sadie explained that she and her husband would share all the work, rather than being given only domestic, household work. Mary Beth and Tilly seem to have a crush on him, but it's a one-sided crush. Stuck in Colter with no stables to buy a horse from, Arthur decides to go out and get you one, but not just any one, a White Arabian. You were picking up some stuff here and there from the listening to camp members talk. Arthur is a survivor, and nothing keeps him going more than the hope of trying fatherhood one more time with the woman who had been by his side through everything. They were smitten with each otherbut prevalent circumstances, such as Arthur's loyalty to the gang and the disapproval of the relationship by Mary's family, particularlyher father, caused their relationship to fall through and they wouldn't see each other again for a long time. Suddenly, John's light-hearted gaze darkened as his stance became somewhat domineering. Bill is shocked when he sees that Arthur is losing faith in Dutch and tells Arthur, whilst robbing some dynamites in Van Horn, that he believes he has gone soft. The alternative dialogue will have Swanson tell Arthur that he is a good person who should, and will, save the right people with what little time he has left. He also taught Arthur how to read, along side Dutch. Should Arthur provide him with the tools, Pearson is willing to craft special items to decorate his tent, and the rest of the camp, as well as improved satchels to improve his storage space. This is quite frankly a place for me to just collect anything I write for this little rare-pair. Started in Jan 2021 Enjoy. The player can have Arthur partake in various activities throughout the story, as an outlaw both within the Van der Linde gang and outside of it, that will define his relationship with certain characters. Highlighting that when Arthur messes up it is just "one of them things. novaiya Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? My Arthur grew close to Lenny after the two got drunk together in Valentine after Dutch tells him to show Lenny a good time. You can check out my work here. They escape into the forest and the gang splits up, with Arthur going with Uncle. At the same time, Arthur is haunted by memories of his past life, from 1883 to 1899. She drops her voice into an imitation of masculinity. Ironically, it was John's quest for vengeance against Micah that set in motion a chain of events that would lead to his own downfall a few years later. This culminates into Arthur trying to help John escape with Abigail and Jack so they could live a better life, away from Dutch and the gang's violence. When theyre done and hes tidied his clothes again, Dutch Van der Linde touches her shoulder with a smile and says, Wed be pleased to have your company, Miss Roberts., John's head isn't in the right place. A/N: If you prefer to read this on AO3, click here. He can also ask Arthur to find him a rabbit and in return will give him a Nutritious Stew. Its during a game that she tells Arthur that she learned how to play Dominoes, as well as the piano, when she was a young girl working at a bar. Arthur never showed his gratitude for Kieran openly, and whenever Kieran mentions it Arthur responds that they are even because he allows another day to go buy without killing him. I can guess. Karen smirks, glances to the other side of camp where their horses are tethered. Navigating the strangeness of waking up in a different century soon takes a spot on the back burner when a ghost from the past begins to threaten the ranch. Whilst at camp Javier can ask Arthur to find him some Oleander, and in return he will regularly leave throwing knives at his tent. As a result, for most of1899, Arthur has little respect for John. Later in the story Bill has planned to rob a stagecoach and can ask Arthur to come along, upon telling him the details Arthur will invite Tilly to join them as they need to create a distraction to stop the stagecoach, indicating that he trusts Tilly's abilities to help on jobs. Micah was initially aggressive towards her but Dutch and Arthur were able to calm her and take her back to camp. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Throughout Arthur's last moments fighting Micah he continuously bragged that he has won, contradicting Micah's claims that he had lost, because he successfully saved John and his family. Arthur, with Charles, then rescues Eagles Flies from Fort Wallace, much to Rains Fall's gratitude. The loss of his son and Eliza made Arthur appreciate the family he had in the Van der Linde gang and perhaps fuelled the frustration he had with John when he ran away after getting Abigail pregnant with Jack. Arthur points out that he is loyal and Bill is too dumb to realise the reality of the situation. As the gang started to fall apart, due to Dutch's growing violence and paranoia, Arthur did all he could for Jack and his family to escape and live a free and safe life. Congratulations, Abigail. However, Micah's skill as a shooterperhaps makes Arthur even more concerned about his influence on Dutch. Beth is now a grandmaster, but she still has unfinished business. But over time, things complicate. Vidla ped sebou chlapa, kter mluvil ke konm a respektoval eny, a ukzala na jeho mladho bratra, toho s nevymchanou hubou a vychovnm srovnatelnm s nosorocem, a ekla chci tohohle. Mary-Beth Gaskill is a supporting character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. Dutch convincesEagle Flies to attack Cornwalls oil factory, forcing Rains Fall to arrive at the gang's hideout and convince Arthur and his friends to stop Eagles Flies from being killed, whilst inadvertently revealing to Dutch and Micah that Arthur has been aiding Rains Fall without theirknowledge. Nonetheless, Arthur is slightly saddened for her death. RDR2: Arthur's Optional Camp Therapy Sessions, Explained - Screen Rant Prior to this Mary-Beth asked Pearson about Kieran having gone missing, but Arthur can interject and tell her that he will be fine, with Mary-Beth choosing to trust him. a series of purely self indulgent things I want to see, there isnt enough variety in this fandom. It is hinted by Dutch that Arthur may have had sex with Abigail before her relationship with John, as did the other members of the gang, when he is confronted by John at the bank in Blackwater in 1911. They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. A small rivalry between John and Arthur ensues. Once she finally builds up the courage to do so she does it in her own way. She is respected enough by Arthur that he, as well as Bill and Lenny, were happy enough for her to come along on a bank job in Valentine where she showed she is a capable gunslinger by holding people up inside the bank and shooting at the law when the gang were escaping. Arthur is the longest serving member of the Van der Linde gang, excluding Hosea, with the Van der Linde gang starting with just Dutch, Hosea and Arthur. Thankfully, a group of people have picked you up, given you food and shelter and only asked for a small contribution in the form of basic housekeeping (more like camp keeping) in return. Whilst confronting Milton Arthur is told by him that Micah has been informing the Pinkertons about the gang's activities. Hosea can occasionally come up to Arthur and talk to him around camp. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . It was here Sadie proved herself, being completely fearless and dominant in the shootout. The two of you can often be found away from camp, hidden by a shade from a tree, you with your head in Mary-Beths lap, one of her hands in your hair, the other holding a book. From the start of the story Dutch treats Arthur as his right-hand man, with Hosea being treated more like an equal partner. Their bond further grew as Sadie continued to prove herself as a fearless gunslinger, such as when the O'Driscolls assaulted Shady Belle, she disobeyed Arthur's orders to get inside the manor and instead slaughtered dozens of enemies. She revealed that she had given him to Angelo Bronte in Saint Denis. Very patient when it comes to teaching you anything, be it the drawing, horse riding or shooting. Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. 28 Ridiculous Hidden Details About Arthur Morgan In Red Dead - TheGamer Sometimes I wish I were a horse. Mary Beth says, dropping to sit beside Tilly and Karen as she takes up some mending. please <3The title for this fanfic (like almost all my other works) is from a song; this time its Accused of Love by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. During the attack Arthur saves Eagle Flies yet again. He held Bill in slight contempt for his recklessness that led to Sean being killed. Strauss was shot in the leg in this encounter and Arthur, John and Dutch worked to get him to safety. He soon falls under Dutch's manipulation to attack the army, with Dutch hoping to take advantage of the resulting chaos. He shows sympathy towards Charles' anger at the mistreatment of the Bisons, knowing that Natives are incredibly reliant on them to survive. The gang is in trouble, and as Arthur and Mary Beth aim to set out on their own one day, they must find a way to help those they love while eventually, finding escape. s more fun to have a character say what Im thinking. Whilst at camp Arthur treats Jack with great care and affection when talking to him. A few years later Abigail finds out that Jack can remember Arthur and believes that it was Arthur that saved them, Abigail confirms this and says that, "None of us would be here today if it wasn't for Arthur." The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. But even that was proving to be complicated, for you didnt speak the language that the people did. Hosea can request Arthur to find him American Ginseng and in return he will leave a bottle of Potent Medicine beside his tent. Whilst at camp, Miss Grimshaw will randomly talk to Arthur and can have unique interactions with him, for example, she will force Arthur to wash himself if he becomes too dirty around camp, and will be forced to pay a fine to her. He tries to give Jack advice and, at the request of Abigail, asked if he wanted to go fishing with him. This proved to be very useful later in the story when Arthur tries to find there whereabouts of the gang after his return from Guarma. Uncle follows through with Arthur's warning and soon leaves. Nonetheless, Uncle respects Arthur's authority and if he is told to do something he will do it, albeit reluctantly and with only the occasional backchat. Arthur met Mary at a young age whilst he rode with the Van der Linde gang. Arthur is often vocal, and scornful, about the things Micah does around camp such as ridiculing Swanson, taunting Javier, Lenny and Charles because they are a different race, harassing Abigail at camp and even kicking Jack's dog, Cain. Arthur's dislike of Micah grew when he inadvertently led him, Bill and Sean into a trap that led to Sean's death and took advantage of Hosea's death to get close to Dutch and have a greater influence on him. And write with her heart, she did. Mary-Beth is hopelessly in love with Arthur Morgan, and so far all efforts to capture his heart have failed. "Sshh . Before the gang's last heist, Arthur, who has already planned secretly with John to steal Dutch's hidden stash for when he escapes with his family, tries to convince Dutch to let John, Abigail and Jack, as well as the other women, leave peacefully, however, Dutch takes offense to Arthur's insistence but feigns indulgence and promises he will do so after this last train robbery. They both robbed a homestead and went fishing together, with Javier providing some tips and bait to help Arthur's fishing woes. She is the first to find and help Arthur after he escapes from Colm O'Driscoll and his men where he was tortured. But when he looks in his son's eyes, he can only think to himself is, "Am I enough for him?". After sharing a dance with him during Sean's coming home party, Mary-Beth realizes she can contain herself no longer. When Jack was kidnapped by the Braithwaite family, and subsequently passed on to Angelo Bronte, Arthur would reassure John that everything would be okay. Like, just walking by one of the campfires and hearing you play Javiers guitar and singing to yourself or if in a group setting hearing you sing along to one of the songs they sing at camp or something like that. He goes missing for a while when the gang moves to Shady Belle and his body soon turns up at camp on top of his horse with his decapitated head in his hands and his eyes poked out. Summary:While snooping through Arthurs journal, Karen finds a portrait of a woman who draws her attention. All the days have blended into a one, long nightmare. Arthur pats him on the shoulder and tells him to leave with his blessing. Break ups are a lot easier when you hate the person, they're god damn rough as hell when you both still love one another but can't make one another happy. Lenny does not come up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat around camp. Despite their poor relationship, the two work well enough together to get a job done. If John visits her in the epilogue, she will again express gratitude for Arthur's actions, his help having enabled her to survive and live happily. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? For a few moments, they held hands and watched the sun sink below the horizon. Once the gang arrives and finds the area crawling with O'Driscolls a shootout begins that ends with all the O'Driscolls being killed. Arthur comforts him and tells him that he no longer has to worry about being alone again. I got this for you when I was in town. As the events of 1899 unfold, Dutch seems to view Arthur as something of an ace in the hole and relies on him more and more to get the gang out of increasingly difficult situations. It mightve been fourth or maybe even fifth, but you couldnt tell. Hidden Beneath the Surface, a red dead redemption fanfic | FanFiction Sean interpreted this as proof that Arthur and the gang missed him with Arthur not wholeheartedly disputing this. His fair skin already had a tinge of gold from the past few days working in the sun. Such as when he finds a lead on a stagecoach, however, this soon gets out of control as it belongs to Leviticus Cornwall and is highly protected. At camp Sean can ask Arthur to find him some Kentucky Bourbon, in return he will regularly leave Fire Bottles at Arthur's tent. Despite this, Arthur keeps a picture of him next to his bed over two decades later and also wears his hat, hinting at some measure of fondness. Summary: It reaches your ears that there in camp goes on a bet that you and Arthur will end up together. Arthur follows Dutchs every command, even the oneshe doesnt necessarily agree with. For example, at some point during the Clemens Point chapter, Arthur may see her smoking alone at the camp's scout campfire. Also yes, I know Arthur wasn't there for the Blackwater job, so bear with me if there are any game lore errors. At camp Tilly is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. He becomes grateful for Arthur rescuing him and starts to believe he genuinely cares for his people. However, Arthur was captured by the O'Driscoll Boys and was briefly tortured by them, having escaped and arrived back at camp, Dutch was clearly relieved at his return but also apprehensive about the dire state Arthur was in. It is generally believed that Mary-Beth had a crush on Arthur until, at least, she started developing feelings for Kieran, although this is unconfirmed. He tells Strauss to get a job and gives him some money to leave, with Strauss doing so, never to be seen again. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (10), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mary-beth deserves more love and i'm here to give it to her, I mean sorta??? Arthur mentions Eliza when conversing with Rains Fall, admitting that the incident caused him to believe he has no right to expect good things to happen to him because of the life he has led. Molly will tell Arthur that she broke her pocket mirror and is worried it will give her seven years bad luck. Arthur would often engage in polite conversation with Strauss and would save him in Valentine when he, along with John, were held at gunpoint by Leviticus Cornwall's men. After the gang manages to loot the safe and return to the lobby Trelawny gets into an argument with Blythe, who Arthur beat at Poker, believing that he cheated. Arthur can have positive conversations with her, and at one point both of them discuss about how much they love to write, with Mary-Beth preferring to write stories and Arthur preferring to write his experiences in his journal, they both bond slightly over this shared interest. Surprisingly very good at gift giving. It will be the paradise Arthur deserved. Mary-Beth's long-dead muse for an unfinished book suddenly comes back to life. Should the player accept, Arthur will attack the ranch. Arthur saw Hosea as a father figure, much like Dutch, and looked up to him. I thought thats sweet, dont you?. He was often quick to point out this poor habit and the foolish situations he got himself into, forcing Arthur, at one point, to save him from getting killed by an oncoming train after he gets his foot stuck in the tracks. Arthur can have polite conversations with Molly. If not thats totally okay!! Abigail Roberts.Arthur Morgan.John Marston.Three people.Two who have been in each others' lives for what seems like forever.One who came in and changed everything.Highs and lows that seemed lower than possible.No matter what though, no matter what will happen in all three of their lives,they'll be there for each other. Their ultimate goal is to go north with the Marstons, to find the bucolic stretches of Wisconsin where, rumor has it, there are lily farms. However, as he helps Rains Fall and aids in his attempts to settle disputes with his son, and the U.S. Army, he gains a lot of respect for him. She drops her voice into an imitation of masculinity. Soon after, Dutch and Eagle Flies come up with a plan to attack a U.S. Army convoy, but the plan gets out of control and Eagle Flies gets himself captured, which forces Arthur and Charles to rescue him from Fort Wallace. Dutch partially helped in avenging Arthur by shooting Micah dead, along with John. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. If Arthur does this there will be a regular supply of fire and poison arrows beside his bed. Arthur Morgan is a dead man walking, and his is a story no one would have thought to have told. How the hell does that work?. After the latter incident Trelawny chooses to stay with the gang for a while. Arthur goes to check on the cabin only to be surprised and held at gun point, however, Kieran saves his life by shooting the O'Driscoll first. Upon giving her the Harmonica, Arthur comments that he would love to hear her play sometime, but Sadie tells him that she only ever played the Harmonica for her husband and would rather keep it that way, but thanks him and leaves some Gun Oil at his tent to show her appreciation. His only notable encounter is having an argument with Sadie when she refuses to cut the vegetables for him, with Arthur intervening before a fight breaks out. How will they survive when all hope seems lost? What if Arthur stepped in to help raise Jack and take care of Abigail? Why? Tilly stares over at her like shes grown a second head. Arthur couldn't help but scornfully question why he couldn't have shown up earlier. This hurt Arthur deeply and left him feeling betrayed and also annoyed at John not appreciating the family he had. The experience hardened him and made him realise that he doesn't deserve the kind of happiness that his now dead family once gave him because of the life he leads. Why? Tilly stares over at her like shes grown a second head. Arthur interacts with Mary-Beth, where the two share anecdotes of their past, before Miss Grimshaw comes up to Arthur to tell him that Tilly has gone missing. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. But he does wake up. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. This page takes a look at Arthur's various relationship from the perspective of high honor and with Arthur agreeing to help all the characters he meets, as the game pushes you in this direction and is, as a result, the most likely experiences players will have when playing this game. John shook his head, Hes the strangest man., Abigail smirked, Ye have to admit, the crops were better than ever last year. x - s Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. You decide that as an involved party you should get a cut from it, and go on to make sure that the bet is won.

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arthur and mary beth fanfiction