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health assessment quizlet exam 1

B) the beliefs of the patients family. When taking a health history from an adolescent, the interviewer should: The second largest population is *Asians* followed by *Blacks*, American Indians, Alaska natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific islanders. A) review previous medical records. A) an optimal functioning of mind, body, and spirit within the environment. Chapter 5 - Mental Status Assessment Refer to feedback in option B. ach culture has its own healers who usually: B) cultural and ethnic values. *C) conduct the interview at eye level and at a distance of 4 to 5 feet. physical examination and health assessment 8th . Feedback: INCORRECT These discrete areas include understanding of: (Select all that apply.) *C) symptoms. D) a concise statement of actual or potential health concerns or level of wellness. This response is an inappropriate communication technique referred to as using "Why" questions. I would like for her to wear a Holter monitor and I will review the results with her when available. D) call a family member to confirm information. This response is an inappropriate communication technique referred to as giving unwanted advice. *C) the Asian population tends to be younger. D) ethnocentric language. D) stressors, coping mechanisms, and change in past year. Patients with language barriers have an increased risk of nonadherence to medication regimens. B)Wash hands before and after every physical patient encounter. The HEEADSSS method of interviewing adolescents has essential questions, important questions, and situational questions. C) an individual's perception of health. The nurse should ask the patient which question? HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 PRACTICE QUESTIONS Flashcards | Quizlet The purpose of the assessment is to collect pertinent patient health status data, identify abnormal findings, Identify patient's strength and coping resources. A complete database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination; it describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. When exchanging information, both individuals engage in *verbal and nonverbal communication*. Feedback: INCORRECT D) a short statement of general health status. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. During the working phase, *gather data. Health Assessment Study Guide | Brainscape To develop cultural care, you must have knowledge of *your personal heritage* and the *heritage of the nursing profession, the health care system, and the patient. The book/lab manual also have some practice questions that are very similar if you would like extra practice. D) "Tell me what you mean by 'bad blood'.". Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Health Assessment Exam 1 4.0 (1 review) Term 1 / 61 In which part of an assessment does "collection of subjective data about the clients perception of health of all body parts or systems, past medical history, family history, and lifestyle health practices" occur Click the card to flip Definition C) their personal belief models. The CAGE test is a screening questionnaire that helps to identify: B) a pattern of coping. Feedback: INCORRECT A) ask the child, before the caretaker, about symptoms. A) Episodic ATI health assessment exam 1, 2 and final.docx - Search Subjective data Subjective data consist of information provided by the affected individual. Feedback: INCORRECT B) "If I were you, I would have the surgery." B) Health exists when physical, psychologic, spiritual, and social needs are met. School-age children (starting at age 7) have the verbal ability to add important data to the history. (4) Using avoidance language, The nurse is assessing a client's smoking behavior. * Fourth, record the *present health or history of present illness*. Personal Health History 3. Students also viewed ATI questions 231 Exam 2 study guide - exam 2 nsg3450 Mental Health Exam 3 - nsg3450 * Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards _ Quizlet.pdf - Health B) "negative" under the system heading. Braden Scale Used to assess skin breakdown by totaling scores from six sub-scales: sensory, perception, moisture, activity, mobili-ty, nutrition, and friction. By combining this subjective data with objective data from the physical examination and diagnostic tests, you create a database to make a judgment about the person's health status. A) Good is hot. When considering cultural competence, there are discrete areas that the nurse must develop knowledge of to understand the health care needs of others. A) hearing loss *complete health history data category 7. A) reflection. Writing negative after the system heading is also incorrect because it would be unknown which factors were asked. A patient seeks care for "debilitating headaches that cause excessive absences at work." Feedback: INCORRECT D) use detailed explanations. B) history of present illness It focuses on collecting data on biophysical signs and symptoms and on curing disease. (1) it is *learned* from birth through language acquisition and socialization. Feedback: CORRECT* A follow-up database is used to follow up short-term or chronic health problems; the statuses of identified problems are evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. Chapter 2 - Cultural Competence Focused or Problem-Oriented Assessment 4. 4 types of nursing assessments. A) Alert and oriented No matter what form is used to record the health history, plan to *gather data in eight categories. C) 9 C) An earache It is smaller in scope and more targeted than the complete database. A) severity of dementia. an eye-opener?) 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. Socialization is the process of being raised within a culture and acquiring the characteristics of that group. You give your honest feedback about what you see or feel. Which of the following is considered an example of objective data? (5) Engaging in distancing, Which of the following is true regarding language barriers and health care? *D) a concise statement of actual or potential health concerns or level of wellness. C) The humors must be balanced. (6) Using professional jargon, A discrete area of knowledge for cultural competence is understanding of ones own heritage, the heritage of the nursing profession, the heritage of the patient, and the heritage of the health care system. Feedback: INCORRECT During a mental status examination, the nurse wants to assess a patient's affect. An example of objective data is: * The perceived causes of illness and symptoms can be culturally based and may be viewed as *biomedical* (or scientific), *naturalistic* (or holistic), or *magicoreligious*. Tests used to assess for dementia include the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Set Test, the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, the Mini-Cog, and the Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test. Feedback: INCORRECT EXAM 2 - HEALTH ASSESSMENT - MISC from PPT (2) Study online at 12. *C) The humors must be balanced. Which problem is a first-level priority? A) Infants Diagnostic reasoning has which four major components? *Feedback: CORRECT* Remember that the *impact or burden of a disease* may be more important to an older adult than the actual disease diagnosis or pathology. D) Patients with language barriers have a decreased risk of nonadherence to medication regimens. The most appropriate introduction to use to start an interview with an older adult patient is: Your silent attentiveness communicates that the patient has time to think, to organize what he or she wishes to say without interruption from you. What are the four kinds of databases? C) clarification. B) Health exists when physical, psychologic, spiritual, and social needs are met. A) There are laws addressing language barriers and health care. Using direct language is the best way to deal with frightening topics instead of using avoidance language. From a biomedical perspective, health is defined as the absence of disease or elimination of symptoms and signs of disease. . When preparing the physical setting for an interview, the interviewer should: A)There is no need to wash one's hands after removing gloves, as long as the gloves are still intact. All cultures have their preferred lay or popular healers, recognized symptoms of disease, acceptable sick-role behaviors, and treatments. C) breast lump These areas are related to the interpersonal relationships and resources section of the functional assessment. B) "David, I am here to ask you questions about your illness; we want to determine what is wrong." Most of health practices used by folk healers are not dangerous and are usually harmless. (select all that apply) Questions should move from expected and less-threatening questions to those that are more personal. You should *guard against stereotyping* individuals. B) impedes further discussion. * Seventh, perform a *review of systems* to evaluate the past and present health of each body system, double-check for significant data, and assess health promotion practices. D) Complete D) arthritis. Before you can understand the role that beliefs and values play in a person's life, you must understand culturally dominant values and personal values. Exam Action. Behaviors that one culture views positively may have different, possibly negative, connotations in another culture. You *assess factors related to heritage* to determine the depth to which you and the patient identify with a traditional heritage, that is, the cultural beliefs and practices of the family, extended family, and an ethnoreligious community. The "review of systems" in the health history is: D) 11 B) Risk for infection Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* C) clarification. Feedback: INCORRECT Beverages, foods, herbs, medicines, and diseases are classified as hot or cold according to their perceived effects on the body, not on their physical characteristics. *B) a documentation of the problem as perceived by the patient. *complete health history data category 4. Appearance, dress, and hygiene are observations included in the general survey. Preschooler's communication is direct, concrete, literal, and set in the present. * A) unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. The nurse's feelings are not the barrier to communication in this situation. Health Assessment Exam 1 Description Evidence-Based Practice Assessment Cultural Competence The Interview Health History Assessment techniques Vital Signs & General Survey Developmental Considerations Hair, Skin, and Nails health assessment exam 1 test 1 nursing 347 vital signs interview skin mental nursing (3) *having the ability to listen. *Feedback: CORRECT* An example of objective data is: In the United States, about *one* in *eight* people are *immigrants. *Feedback: CORRECT* C) Congruence mechanism *B) rephrase the same questions later in the interview. Health Assessment Exam 1- PPT and quiz questions Flashcards | Quizlet A) ask the child, before the caretaker, about symptoms. A) the non-Hispanic white population tends to be younger. Of the emerging majority in the US, _____ are the largest population. C) aggravating factors. B) "If I were you, I would have the surgery." Spirituality is a personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life. *complete health history data category 8. C) Adolescents *, The *National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care* state that health care organizations should ensure that patients receive *effective, understandable, and respectful care* in a manner compatible with their *cultural health beliefs and practices and their preferred language.*. A) a person's state of health. * Additions include: Feedback: INCORRECT The "review of systems" in the health history is: (8) Talking too much, - And a nutritional history. Feedback: Evidence-based practice is a systematic approach to practice that uses the *best evidence,* the *clinician's experience,* and the *patient's preferences and values* to make decisions about care and treatment. Refer to feedback in Option B. Feedback: INCORRECT

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health assessment quizlet exam 1