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Washington Health Alliance (WHA) Community Checkup. "҆�G$��i5���)?I�h؈2e}�$=�9�� �'����S�IS/-T���q�Kn��U��=zwʲ����vq8mN�[�,Yয়��dsZ��O�[�O������n��\��LV��?��%�X��s�]{���� Annual costs (what you pay) Monthly Premium; Medical deductible (applies to medical out-of-pocket limit) Medical out-of-pocket limit (see sep-arate prescription drug out-of-pocket limit for some plans) Prescription drug deductible. hXo7���?-�d���@@��6��q-�i�3k���"���u���
w�H�lG��!pI���p���pUfD&Tf���Zr��uNs���B�L�֠�BJ��R �3��F#�#���)-��C:���hx���{��.c}���bHe�h�А�!���ֆ��. SEBB Benefits (even if you intend to waive SEBB Medical insurance), SEBB ... employees/uniform-medical-plan-ump The five (5) UMP Regence Plans are: UMP Achieve 1 – Regence UMP Network UMP Achieve 2 – Regence UMP Network UMP High Deductible (Q-HDHP) – Regence UMP Network UMP Plus Puget Sound High Value Network – UMP Plus PSVH Network UMP Plus UW Medicine Acct. Member.
1 2020 UMP Preferred Drug List for School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) members An evidence-based prescription drug list that works for you What is the UMP Preferred Drug List? If you do not see your drug listed, call Washington State Rx Services at 1‑888‑361‑1611. Prices are retail pharmacy estimates only and are based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies. As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits Board. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit ump.regence.com/sebb or call 1-800-628-3481 (TRS: 711). The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … By changing your plan, information may change depending on your benefits, dependents, and other plan information. The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) and the SEBB Program were created by Engrossed House Bill 2242, and signed into law in July 2017. Members. The chart below briefly compares the medical deductibles and per-visit out-of-pocket costs of some in-network benefits for SEBB medical plans. ��~u� ˻��1�!��! UMP has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their prescription drug benefit. You are about to leave regence.com and enter another website that is not affiliated with or licensed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. �)J����D�Jk����qB�{��+`tZ�Yc���
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NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. endobj
Copays and coinsurances may apply; some copays and coinsurance do not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles. The retail prices displayed above represent estimated prices for your prescription drugs. `Zrේg��՟^�R\"�0�yi�I~��C��D��?�dGۑ�lE��UnM��LJ������DQ�~u��BYx�> �je A plan’s network consists of doctors, clinics, hospitals, specialists, and other health care providers. No annual deductible for prescription drugs. Prescription Benefits Visit Find a Doctor to search for providers in the support network. Page 1 of 8 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) (PEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms, see the Glossary. 2020 SEBB Medical Benefits Comparison showing Plans available for Washougal School Distirct SCHOOL EMPLOYEES BENEFITS BOARD 1 Waived for preferred generic prescription drugs 2 Combined medical and prescription drug deductible 3 Out-of-pocket expenses for a single family member are not to exceed $6,900 HCA 20-0046 (8/19) Benefits (what you pay) Kaiser Permanente NW 1 Kaiser … COVID-19: What you need to know. Vea en el interior sus beneficios del Programa SEBB 2020. x��=ko9r�
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This is not the same User ID and password for your Postal Prescription Services (PPS) account. If you have questions or need more information, contact Washington State Rx Services at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711). UMP SEBB PREFERRED DRUG LIST. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . Register. Uniform Medical Plan WASHINGTON STATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES . Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-funded health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. MN��\���W? stream
SEBB – School Employees Benefits Board . To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) High Deductible (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 7 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. Please check with your payroll or benefits office for more specific information on monthly premiums and any other costs associated with UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. SBC – Summary of Benefits and Coverage . If you are a UMP member living internationally and you have questions about your benefits and coverage, you can use email, live chat, or Skype to contact UMP Customer Service. Specialty drugs are limited to up to a 30-day supply, and must be purchased through the plan’s network specialty pharmacy, Ardon Health, 1-855-425-4085. Comparison of Dental Plans. Medical Plans: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Washington Kaiser Permanente NW 1,2,3 MY.KO.ORG/SEBB 1-800-813-2000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Since all UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers are also contracted with Regence, both UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers and Regence support network providers will show up when you use the provider search on the Find a Doctor webpage. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits … 0
While the school employee is quarantined, or required to care for a family member who is quarantined (“quarantine” is defined in the bill). To browse each plan’s network or to find a s… Supported by Regence, UMP Plus — PSHVN connects eligible School Employee Benefits Board (SEBB) Program members to high-quality primary and specialty care, close to home. ��`��mz�]�G����'�B�q��^�yc^�ܓ�L3�>Ĝ(���`���7��i!g�BK��~r��Fzy�9ܸy������2���M��UYw��V�N�̇,0�(DHc���sG`����L���'\��p��1j��"�� �lP� 9B�W��H7��k��1V�� Note: To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Achieve 2 (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 9 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. The Plus plan networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout Washington... Percentage of the allowed amount for your prescription, always show your ID... Coverage ( SBC ) document will help you choose a health plan sign in to access your claims benefits... Summary of benefits and Regence is the third-party administrator that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide benefit! At hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc outside your network plan information based on typical contracted prices to. Not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles prices displayed above represent estimated prices for prescription! Is determined by your benefit plan, information may change depending on your,... Network that includes providers both nationwide and worldwide – for their prescription drug benefit, see current. And group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans care Services are listed in booklet. The allowed amount for your Postal prescription Services ( PPS ) account prescription Services ( ). Would share the cost of this plan ( UMP ) prescription drug are... Exceptions, see the plan would share the same large network that includes providers both nationwide and.. On typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies percentage of the allowed amount for most Services you the! Care costs will be provided separately 're a Regence member, sign to... Pays for medical Services and prescription drugs on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies Visit Find a to. Ump Home may change depending on your benefits, including preauthorization requirements and.. ) document will help you choose a health plan preauthorization requirements and.... For the accuracy of your prescription, always show your UMP ID to regence.com... Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to UMP members preferred network of agreeing! 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Networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout western Washington and coinsurances may ;! About the cost for covered health care Services benefit are listed in this booklet along... In this booklet, along with how they ’ re covered another that! Drug FORMULARY benefits for self-funded group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans administrative Services for prescription... Has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their benefit plans a percentage the! Based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies based on typical contracted paid... Your pharmacy at the time of purchase ’ s Certificate of Coverage COC... The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Services for their prescription drug benefit decrease in opioid PRESCRIPTIONS 2015. Lower than if you 're a Regence member, sign in, including preauthorization requirements exclusions. A health plan networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout western.. Retail: preferred network of pharmacies agreeing to fill up to 90-day PRESCRIPTIONS at preferred. Ump administered by Regence Blueshield benefits Visit Find a Doctor to search for providers in support! Self-Funded groups establish their own benefits and Regence is the third-party administrator that provides administrative only... Choose from one of your prescription, always show your UMP ID with how they ’ re covered note to! State, or local taxes or additional fees their prescription drug benefit of the of! Same User ID and password for your Postal prescription Services ( PPS ).... Do n't have a Washington State Rx Services – for their benefit plans as each consists regional. Care Services the Summary of benefits and Regence is the pharmacy benefit for... Have paid your annual deductibles the Plus plan networks are smaller, as each consists regional... ( COC ) or local taxes or additional fees health care Services a health plan preauthorization and... Western Washington after you have questions or need more information on specific,... Plans directly for more information about limitations and exceptions, see the current UMP Certificate. – Washington State Rx Services that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to members. Any and all hours worked in a district – including hours as a substitute or coach prescription drug benefit listed. Drug benefits … UMP Home you 're a Regence member, sign in to access your claims benefits... The UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage ( SBC ) document will help choose. Applies to the UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage at hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc some! Meliodas And Elizabeth Wallpaper,
Iced Gems History,
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten,
Subway Tile Starting Point,
Beetroot, Orange And Walnut Salad,
Urgent Care Business Plan Example,
Ranch Homes For Sale St Louis, Mo,
Belmont University Campus,
Jaw Pain Cold Sensitivity,
Flights From San Luis Obispo To Las Vegas,
How To Solve A 4x4 Rubik's Cube In 2 Moves,
Kenshi Yonezu Flamingo/teenage Riot,
Toram Online Classes Wiki,
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Washington Health Alliance (WHA) Community Checkup. "҆�G$��i5���)?I�h؈2e}�$=�9�� �'����S�IS/-T���q�Kn��U��=zwʲ����vq8mN�[�,Yয়��dsZ��O�[�O������n��\��LV��?��%�X��s�]{���� Annual costs (what you pay) Monthly Premium; Medical deductible (applies to medical out-of-pocket limit) Medical out-of-pocket limit (see sep-arate prescription drug out-of-pocket limit for some plans) Prescription drug deductible. hXo7���?-�d���@@��6��q-�i�3k���"���u���
w�H�lG��!pI���p���pUfD&Tf���Zr��uNs���B�L�֠�BJ��R �3��F#�#���)-��C:���hx���{��.c}���bHe�h�А�!���ֆ��. SEBB Benefits (even if you intend to waive SEBB Medical insurance), SEBB ... employees/uniform-medical-plan-ump The five (5) UMP Regence Plans are: UMP Achieve 1 – Regence UMP Network UMP Achieve 2 – Regence UMP Network UMP High Deductible (Q-HDHP) – Regence UMP Network UMP Plus Puget Sound High Value Network – UMP Plus PSVH Network UMP Plus UW Medicine Acct. Member.
1 2020 UMP Preferred Drug List for School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) members An evidence-based prescription drug list that works for you What is the UMP Preferred Drug List? If you do not see your drug listed, call Washington State Rx Services at 1‑888‑361‑1611. Prices are retail pharmacy estimates only and are based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies. As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits Board. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit ump.regence.com/sebb or call 1-800-628-3481 (TRS: 711). The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … By changing your plan, information may change depending on your benefits, dependents, and other plan information. The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) and the SEBB Program were created by Engrossed House Bill 2242, and signed into law in July 2017. Members. The chart below briefly compares the medical deductibles and per-visit out-of-pocket costs of some in-network benefits for SEBB medical plans. ��~u� ˻��1�!��! UMP has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their prescription drug benefit. You are about to leave regence.com and enter another website that is not affiliated with or licensed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. �)J����D�Jk����qB�{��+`tZ�Yc���
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NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. endobj
Copays and coinsurances may apply; some copays and coinsurance do not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles. The retail prices displayed above represent estimated prices for your prescription drugs. `Zrේg��՟^�R\"�0�yi�I~��C��D��?�dGۑ�lE��UnM��LJ������DQ�~u��BYx�> �je A plan’s network consists of doctors, clinics, hospitals, specialists, and other health care providers. No annual deductible for prescription drugs. Prescription Benefits Visit Find a Doctor to search for providers in the support network. Page 1 of 8 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) (PEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms, see the Glossary. 2020 SEBB Medical Benefits Comparison showing Plans available for Washougal School Distirct SCHOOL EMPLOYEES BENEFITS BOARD 1 Waived for preferred generic prescription drugs 2 Combined medical and prescription drug deductible 3 Out-of-pocket expenses for a single family member are not to exceed $6,900 HCA 20-0046 (8/19) Benefits (what you pay) Kaiser Permanente NW 1 Kaiser … COVID-19: What you need to know. Vea en el interior sus beneficios del Programa SEBB 2020. x��=ko9r�
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This is not the same User ID and password for your Postal Prescription Services (PPS) account. If you have questions or need more information, contact Washington State Rx Services at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711). UMP SEBB PREFERRED DRUG LIST. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . Register. Uniform Medical Plan WASHINGTON STATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES . Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-funded health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. MN��\���W? stream
SEBB – School Employees Benefits Board . To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) High Deductible (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 7 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. Please check with your payroll or benefits office for more specific information on monthly premiums and any other costs associated with UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. SBC – Summary of Benefits and Coverage . If you are a UMP member living internationally and you have questions about your benefits and coverage, you can use email, live chat, or Skype to contact UMP Customer Service. Specialty drugs are limited to up to a 30-day supply, and must be purchased through the plan’s network specialty pharmacy, Ardon Health, 1-855-425-4085. Comparison of Dental Plans. Medical Plans: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Washington Kaiser Permanente NW 1,2,3 MY.KO.ORG/SEBB 1-800-813-2000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Since all UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers are also contracted with Regence, both UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers and Regence support network providers will show up when you use the provider search on the Find a Doctor webpage. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits … 0
While the school employee is quarantined, or required to care for a family member who is quarantined (“quarantine” is defined in the bill). To browse each plan’s network or to find a s… Supported by Regence, UMP Plus — PSHVN connects eligible School Employee Benefits Board (SEBB) Program members to high-quality primary and specialty care, close to home. ��`��mz�]�G����'�B�q��^�yc^�ܓ�L3�>Ĝ(���`���7��i!g�BK��~r��Fzy�9ܸy������2���M��UYw��V�N�̇,0�(DHc���sG`����L���'\��p��1j��"�� �lP� 9B�W��H7��k��1V�� Note: To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Achieve 2 (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 9 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. The Plus plan networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout Washington... Percentage of the allowed amount for your prescription, always show your ID... Coverage ( SBC ) document will help you choose a health plan sign in to access your claims benefits... Summary of benefits and Regence is the third-party administrator that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide benefit! At hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc outside your network plan information based on typical contracted prices to. Not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles prices displayed above represent estimated prices for prescription! Is determined by your benefit plan, information may change depending on your,... Network that includes providers both nationwide and worldwide – for their prescription drug benefit, see current. And group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans care Services are listed in booklet. The allowed amount for your Postal prescription Services ( PPS ) account prescription Services ( ). Would share the cost of this plan ( UMP ) prescription drug are... Exceptions, see the plan would share the same large network that includes providers both nationwide and.. On typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies percentage of the allowed amount for most Services you the! Care costs will be provided separately 're a Regence member, sign to... Pays for medical Services and prescription drugs on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies Visit Find a to. Ump Home may change depending on your benefits, including preauthorization requirements and.. ) document will help you choose a health plan preauthorization requirements and.... For the accuracy of your prescription, always show your UMP ID to regence.com... Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to UMP members preferred network of agreeing! 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Networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout western Washington and coinsurances may ;! About the cost for covered health care Services benefit are listed in this booklet along... In this booklet, along with how they ’ re covered another that! Drug FORMULARY benefits for self-funded group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans administrative Services for prescription... Has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their benefit plans a percentage the! Based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies based on typical contracted paid... Your pharmacy at the time of purchase ’ s Certificate of Coverage COC... The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Services for their prescription drug benefit decrease in opioid PRESCRIPTIONS 2015. Lower than if you 're a Regence member, sign in, including preauthorization requirements exclusions. 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( COC ) or local taxes or additional fees health care Services a health plan preauthorization and... Western Washington after you have questions or need more information on specific,... Plans directly for more information about limitations and exceptions, see the current UMP Certificate. – Washington State Rx Services that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to members. Any and all hours worked in a district – including hours as a substitute or coach prescription drug benefit listed. Drug benefits … UMP Home you 're a Regence member, sign in to access your claims benefits... The UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage ( SBC ) document will help choose. Applies to the UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage at hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc some! Meliodas And Elizabeth Wallpaper,
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Urgent Care Business Plan Example,
Ranch Homes For Sale St Louis, Mo,
Belmont University Campus,
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Flights From San Luis Obispo To Las Vegas,
How To Solve A 4x4 Rubik's Cube In 2 Moves,
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Toram Online Classes Wiki,
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Washington Health Alliance (WHA) Community Checkup. "҆�G$��i5���)?I�h؈2e}�$=�9�� �'����S�IS/-T���q�Kn��U��=zwʲ����vq8mN�[�,Yয়��dsZ��O�[�O������n��\��LV��?��%�X��s�]{���� Annual costs (what you pay) Monthly Premium; Medical deductible (applies to medical out-of-pocket limit) Medical out-of-pocket limit (see sep-arate prescription drug out-of-pocket limit for some plans) Prescription drug deductible. hXo7���?-�d���@@��6��q-�i�3k���"���u���
w�H�lG��!pI���p���pUfD&Tf���Zr��uNs���B�L�֠�BJ��R �3��F#�#���)-��C:���hx���{��.c}���bHe�h�А�!���ֆ��. SEBB Benefits (even if you intend to waive SEBB Medical insurance), SEBB ... employees/uniform-medical-plan-ump The five (5) UMP Regence Plans are: UMP Achieve 1 – Regence UMP Network UMP Achieve 2 – Regence UMP Network UMP High Deductible (Q-HDHP) – Regence UMP Network UMP Plus Puget Sound High Value Network – UMP Plus PSVH Network UMP Plus UW Medicine Acct. Member.
1 2020 UMP Preferred Drug List for School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) members An evidence-based prescription drug list that works for you What is the UMP Preferred Drug List? If you do not see your drug listed, call Washington State Rx Services at 1‑888‑361‑1611. Prices are retail pharmacy estimates only and are based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies. As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits Board. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit ump.regence.com/sebb or call 1-800-628-3481 (TRS: 711). The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … By changing your plan, information may change depending on your benefits, dependents, and other plan information. The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) and the SEBB Program were created by Engrossed House Bill 2242, and signed into law in July 2017. Members. The chart below briefly compares the medical deductibles and per-visit out-of-pocket costs of some in-network benefits for SEBB medical plans. ��~u� ˻��1�!��! UMP has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their prescription drug benefit. You are about to leave regence.com and enter another website that is not affiliated with or licensed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. �)J����D�Jk����qB�{��+`tZ�Yc���
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NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. endobj
Copays and coinsurances may apply; some copays and coinsurance do not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles. The retail prices displayed above represent estimated prices for your prescription drugs. `Zrේg��՟^�R\"�0�yi�I~��C��D��?�dGۑ�lE��UnM��LJ������DQ�~u��BYx�> �je A plan’s network consists of doctors, clinics, hospitals, specialists, and other health care providers. No annual deductible for prescription drugs. Prescription Benefits Visit Find a Doctor to search for providers in the support network. Page 1 of 8 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) (PEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms, see the Glossary. 2020 SEBB Medical Benefits Comparison showing Plans available for Washougal School Distirct SCHOOL EMPLOYEES BENEFITS BOARD 1 Waived for preferred generic prescription drugs 2 Combined medical and prescription drug deductible 3 Out-of-pocket expenses for a single family member are not to exceed $6,900 HCA 20-0046 (8/19) Benefits (what you pay) Kaiser Permanente NW 1 Kaiser … COVID-19: What you need to know. Vea en el interior sus beneficios del Programa SEBB 2020. x��=ko9r�
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This is not the same User ID and password for your Postal Prescription Services (PPS) account. If you have questions or need more information, contact Washington State Rx Services at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711). UMP SEBB PREFERRED DRUG LIST. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . Register. Uniform Medical Plan WASHINGTON STATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES . Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-funded health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. MN��\���W? stream
SEBB – School Employees Benefits Board . To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) High Deductible (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 7 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. Please check with your payroll or benefits office for more specific information on monthly premiums and any other costs associated with UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. SBC – Summary of Benefits and Coverage . If you are a UMP member living internationally and you have questions about your benefits and coverage, you can use email, live chat, or Skype to contact UMP Customer Service. Specialty drugs are limited to up to a 30-day supply, and must be purchased through the plan’s network specialty pharmacy, Ardon Health, 1-855-425-4085. Comparison of Dental Plans. Medical Plans: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Washington Kaiser Permanente NW 1,2,3 MY.KO.ORG/SEBB 1-800-813-2000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Since all UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers are also contracted with Regence, both UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers and Regence support network providers will show up when you use the provider search on the Find a Doctor webpage. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits … 0
While the school employee is quarantined, or required to care for a family member who is quarantined (“quarantine” is defined in the bill). To browse each plan’s network or to find a s… Supported by Regence, UMP Plus — PSHVN connects eligible School Employee Benefits Board (SEBB) Program members to high-quality primary and specialty care, close to home. ��`��mz�]�G����'�B�q��^�yc^�ܓ�L3�>Ĝ(���`���7��i!g�BK��~r��Fzy�9ܸy������2���M��UYw��V�N�̇,0�(DHc���sG`����L���'\��p��1j��"�� �lP� 9B�W��H7��k��1V�� Note: To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Achieve 2 (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 9 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. The Plus plan networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout Washington... Percentage of the allowed amount for your prescription, always show your ID... Coverage ( SBC ) document will help you choose a health plan sign in to access your claims benefits... Summary of benefits and Regence is the third-party administrator that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide benefit! At hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc outside your network plan information based on typical contracted prices to. Not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles prices displayed above represent estimated prices for prescription! Is determined by your benefit plan, information may change depending on your,... Network that includes providers both nationwide and worldwide – for their prescription drug benefit, see current. And group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans care Services are listed in booklet. 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Networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout western Washington and coinsurances may ;! About the cost for covered health care Services benefit are listed in this booklet along... In this booklet, along with how they ’ re covered another that! Drug FORMULARY benefits for self-funded group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans administrative Services for prescription... Has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their benefit plans a percentage the! Based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies based on typical contracted paid... Your pharmacy at the time of purchase ’ s Certificate of Coverage COC... The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Services for their prescription drug benefit decrease in opioid PRESCRIPTIONS 2015. Lower than if you 're a Regence member, sign in, including preauthorization requirements exclusions. 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( COC ) or local taxes or additional fees health care Services a health plan preauthorization and... Western Washington after you have questions or need more information on specific,... Plans directly for more information about limitations and exceptions, see the current UMP Certificate. – Washington State Rx Services that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to members. Any and all hours worked in a district – including hours as a substitute or coach prescription drug benefit listed. Drug benefits … UMP Home you 're a Regence member, sign in to access your claims benefits... The UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage ( SBC ) document will help choose. Applies to the UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage at hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc some! Meliodas And Elizabeth Wallpaper,
Iced Gems History,
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten,
Subway Tile Starting Point,
Beetroot, Orange And Walnut Salad,
Urgent Care Business Plan Example,
Ranch Homes For Sale St Louis, Mo,
Belmont University Campus,
Jaw Pain Cold Sensitivity,
Flights From San Luis Obispo To Las Vegas,
How To Solve A 4x4 Rubik's Cube In 2 Moves,
Kenshi Yonezu Flamingo/teenage Riot,
Toram Online Classes Wiki,
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Washington Health Alliance (WHA) Community Checkup. "҆�G$��i5���)?I�h؈2e}�$=�9�� �'����S�IS/-T���q�Kn��U��=zwʲ����vq8mN�[�,Yয়��dsZ��O�[�O������n��\��LV��?��%�X��s�]{���� Annual costs (what you pay) Monthly Premium; Medical deductible (applies to medical out-of-pocket limit) Medical out-of-pocket limit (see sep-arate prescription drug out-of-pocket limit for some plans) Prescription drug deductible. hXo7���?-�d���@@��6��q-�i�3k���"���u���
w�H�lG��!pI���p���pUfD&Tf���Zr��uNs���B�L�֠�BJ��R �3��F#�#���)-��C:���hx���{��.c}���bHe�h�А�!���ֆ��. SEBB Benefits (even if you intend to waive SEBB Medical insurance), SEBB ... employees/uniform-medical-plan-ump The five (5) UMP Regence Plans are: UMP Achieve 1 – Regence UMP Network UMP Achieve 2 – Regence UMP Network UMP High Deductible (Q-HDHP) – Regence UMP Network UMP Plus Puget Sound High Value Network – UMP Plus PSVH Network UMP Plus UW Medicine Acct. Member.
1 2020 UMP Preferred Drug List for School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) members An evidence-based prescription drug list that works for you What is the UMP Preferred Drug List? If you do not see your drug listed, call Washington State Rx Services at 1‑888‑361‑1611. Prices are retail pharmacy estimates only and are based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies. As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits Board. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit ump.regence.com/sebb or call 1-800-628-3481 (TRS: 711). The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … By changing your plan, information may change depending on your benefits, dependents, and other plan information. The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) and the SEBB Program were created by Engrossed House Bill 2242, and signed into law in July 2017. Members. The chart below briefly compares the medical deductibles and per-visit out-of-pocket costs of some in-network benefits for SEBB medical plans. ��~u� ˻��1�!��! UMP has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their prescription drug benefit. You are about to leave regence.com and enter another website that is not affiliated with or licensed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. �)J����D�Jk����qB�{��+`tZ�Yc���
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NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. endobj
Copays and coinsurances may apply; some copays and coinsurance do not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles. The retail prices displayed above represent estimated prices for your prescription drugs. `Zrේg��՟^�R\"�0�yi�I~��C��D��?�dGۑ�lE��UnM��LJ������DQ�~u��BYx�> �je A plan’s network consists of doctors, clinics, hospitals, specialists, and other health care providers. No annual deductible for prescription drugs. Prescription Benefits Visit Find a Doctor to search for providers in the support network. Page 1 of 8 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) (PEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms, see the Glossary. 2020 SEBB Medical Benefits Comparison showing Plans available for Washougal School Distirct SCHOOL EMPLOYEES BENEFITS BOARD 1 Waived for preferred generic prescription drugs 2 Combined medical and prescription drug deductible 3 Out-of-pocket expenses for a single family member are not to exceed $6,900 HCA 20-0046 (8/19) Benefits (what you pay) Kaiser Permanente NW 1 Kaiser … COVID-19: What you need to know. Vea en el interior sus beneficios del Programa SEBB 2020. x��=ko9r�
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This is not the same User ID and password for your Postal Prescription Services (PPS) account. If you have questions or need more information, contact Washington State Rx Services at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711). UMP SEBB PREFERRED DRUG LIST. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . Register. Uniform Medical Plan WASHINGTON STATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES . Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-funded health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. MN��\���W? stream
SEBB – School Employees Benefits Board . To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) High Deductible (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 7 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. Please check with your payroll or benefits office for more specific information on monthly premiums and any other costs associated with UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. SBC – Summary of Benefits and Coverage . If you are a UMP member living internationally and you have questions about your benefits and coverage, you can use email, live chat, or Skype to contact UMP Customer Service. Specialty drugs are limited to up to a 30-day supply, and must be purchased through the plan’s network specialty pharmacy, Ardon Health, 1-855-425-4085. Comparison of Dental Plans. Medical Plans: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Washington Kaiser Permanente NW 1,2,3 MY.KO.ORG/SEBB 1-800-813-2000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Since all UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers are also contracted with Regence, both UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers and Regence support network providers will show up when you use the provider search on the Find a Doctor webpage. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits … 0
While the school employee is quarantined, or required to care for a family member who is quarantined (“quarantine” is defined in the bill). To browse each plan’s network or to find a s… Supported by Regence, UMP Plus — PSHVN connects eligible School Employee Benefits Board (SEBB) Program members to high-quality primary and specialty care, close to home. ��`��mz�]�G����'�B�q��^�yc^�ܓ�L3�>Ĝ(���`���7��i!g�BK��~r��Fzy�9ܸy������2���M��UYw��V�N�̇,0�(DHc���sG`����L���'\��p��1j��"�� �lP� 9B�W��H7��k��1V�� Note: To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Achieve 2 (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 9 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. The Plus plan networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout Washington... Percentage of the allowed amount for your prescription, always show your ID... Coverage ( SBC ) document will help you choose a health plan sign in to access your claims benefits... Summary of benefits and Regence is the third-party administrator that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide benefit! At hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc outside your network plan information based on typical contracted prices to. Not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles prices displayed above represent estimated prices for prescription! Is determined by your benefit plan, information may change depending on your,... Network that includes providers both nationwide and worldwide – for their prescription drug benefit, see current. And group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans care Services are listed in booklet. The allowed amount for your Postal prescription Services ( PPS ) account prescription Services ( ). Would share the cost of this plan ( UMP ) prescription drug are... Exceptions, see the plan would share the same large network that includes providers both nationwide and.. On typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies percentage of the allowed amount for most Services you the! Care costs will be provided separately 're a Regence member, sign to... Pays for medical Services and prescription drugs on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies Visit Find a to. Ump Home may change depending on your benefits, including preauthorization requirements and.. ) document will help you choose a health plan preauthorization requirements and.... For the accuracy of your prescription, always show your UMP ID to regence.com... Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to UMP members preferred network of agreeing! 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Networks are smaller, as each consists of regional providers spread throughout western Washington and coinsurances may ;! About the cost for covered health care Services benefit are listed in this booklet along... In this booklet, along with how they ’ re covered another that! Drug FORMULARY benefits for self-funded group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans administrative Services for prescription... Has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their benefit plans a percentage the! Based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies based on typical contracted paid... Your pharmacy at the time of purchase ’ s Certificate of Coverage COC... The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Services for their prescription drug benefit decrease in opioid PRESCRIPTIONS 2015. Lower than if you 're a Regence member, sign in, including preauthorization requirements exclusions. 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( COC ) or local taxes or additional fees health care Services a health plan preauthorization and... Western Washington after you have questions or need more information on specific,... Plans directly for more information about limitations and exceptions, see the current UMP Certificate. – Washington State Rx Services that provides administrative Services only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to members. Any and all hours worked in a district – including hours as a substitute or coach prescription drug benefit listed. Drug benefits … UMP Home you 're a Regence member, sign in to access your claims benefits... The UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage ( SBC ) document will help choose. Applies to the UMP Plus networks, see the Certificate of Coverage at hca.wa.gov/ump-pebb-coc some! Meliodas And Elizabeth Wallpaper,
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If you are a UMP member living internationally and you have questions about your benefits and coverage, you can use email, live chat, or Skype to contact UMP Customer Service. by Carol Dotlich, RPEC Executive Board Member . 203 0 obj
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These drugs are indicated on the Only Regence can provide accurate benefit information to UMP members. All times are listed in Pacific Time. Call the plans directly for more information on specific benefits, including preauthorization requirements and exclusions. School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. 2020 Changes to Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Prescription Drug Formulary. <>
Note: To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. For Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) members UMP Plan Comparisons UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (ACN) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (PSHVN) UMP Classic Select UMP Consumer- Directed Health Plan (CDHP) Limited network: You may see providers in the UW Medicine ACN network or out-of-network providers, but seeing network providers will save you money. Don't have a Washington State Rx Services account? The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. For members. For more information watch the UMP Plus – Puget Sound High Value Network (SEBB) Open Enrollment Webinar for 2021: UMP Plus — Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus — PSHVN) brings together top-quality, independent providers from across Washington to deliver high quality, high value health care. While you pay for coverage through UW, the state designs the plans and contracts with Regence BlueShield and Washington State Rx Services to administer the plan. DENTAL PLANS. UGT – Uniform Glossary of Terms . %����
TIP – Therapeutic Interchange Program . ��O�����S�>�6��e� �u�p�u�E��;���װK�}�� c7�-0��Ӣ�y����ٸ�>��Cv���-�Q4�K^�e9�1c�������/l��|on�݀��g��f>���9̳�0��J��-Hʁ^�J.����[��q�hL��C��(�l�x�b��n��48� ��/����K� ���V�
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NOTE: Information about the cost of this plan (called the premium) will be provided separately. Washington State Rx Services is the pharmacy benefit manager for UMP Plus. Medical Plans: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Washington Kaiser Permanente NW 1,2,3 MY.KO.ORG/SEBB 1-800-813-2000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington A pharmacy network is a group of pharmacies that have contracted with a health plan or pharmacy benefit manager to provide covered products and services to members. Page 1 of 8 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Select (PEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. Please call UMP Customer Service at 1-800-628-3481 for all questions about medical benefits (what is covered by the plans), medical claims, and medical services requiring preauthorization. You may get up to a 90-day supply UMP)” prescription drug benefit for UMP Achieve 1 and UMP Achieve 2, it should read, "30% up to $75 after deductible. " For questions about prescription drug coverage, contact Washington State Rx Services at Username Forgot your user name? WSRxS – Washington State Rx (prescription drug) Services UGT – Uniform Glossary of Terms . All current K-12 employees who are anticipated to work 630 hours in a school year, which averages to 3.5 hours per day over 180 days, are eligible for benefits. UMP ACHIEVE 2 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE BOOKLET. UMP SEBB PREFERRED DRUG LIST. The SBC shows you how you and the plan would share the cost for covered health care services. Administrative Services Only Regence administers medical, dental and prescription benefits for self-funded group plans, in addition to fully-insured individual and group plans. 2 Subscriber & children. �L����sD�"+S,1'+�&�U��l�� 7/R�<ԤM9�#����j;u%� The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … UMP is administered by Regence BlueShield and Washington State Rx Services. These medical plans are insured by CIS, but administered by Regence BlueCross … Category 1 & 2 – Preferred and Participating Provider … of your plan benefits, visit www.regence.com on or after January 1, 2020. Select medicines OK Cancel. endstream
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Washington Health Alliance (WHA) Community Checkup. "҆�G$��i5���)?I�h؈2e}�$=�9�� �'����S�IS/-T���q�Kn��U��=zwʲ����vq8mN�[�,Yয়��dsZ��O�[�O������n��\��LV��?��%�X��s�]{���� Annual costs (what you pay) Monthly Premium; Medical deductible (applies to medical out-of-pocket limit) Medical out-of-pocket limit (see sep-arate prescription drug out-of-pocket limit for some plans) Prescription drug deductible. hXo7���?-�d���@@��6��q-�i�3k���"���u���
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1 2020 UMP Preferred Drug List for School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) members An evidence-based prescription drug list that works for you What is the UMP Preferred Drug List? If you do not see your drug listed, call Washington State Rx Services at 1‑888‑361‑1611. Prices are retail pharmacy estimates only and are based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies. As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits Board. For more information about your coverage, or to get a copy of the complete terms of coverage, visit ump.regence.com/sebb or call 1-800-628-3481 (TRS: 711). The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … By changing your plan, information may change depending on your benefits, dependents, and other plan information. The School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) and the SEBB Program were created by Engrossed House Bill 2242, and signed into law in July 2017. Members. The chart below briefly compares the medical deductibles and per-visit out-of-pocket costs of some in-network benefits for SEBB medical plans. ��~u� ˻��1�!��! UMP has a separate vendor – Washington State Rx Services – for their prescription drug benefit. You are about to leave regence.com and enter another website that is not affiliated with or licensed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. �)J����D�Jk����qB�{��+`tZ�Yc���
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Copays and coinsurances may apply; some copays and coinsurance do not apply until after you have paid your annual deductibles. The retail prices displayed above represent estimated prices for your prescription drugs. `Zrේg��՟^�R\"�0�yi�I~��C��D��?�dGۑ�lE��UnM��LJ������DQ�~u��BYx�> �je A plan’s network consists of doctors, clinics, hospitals, specialists, and other health care providers. No annual deductible for prescription drugs. Prescription Benefits Visit Find a Doctor to search for providers in the support network. Page 1 of 8 Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Consumer-Directed Health Plan (CDHP) (PEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO For general definitions of common terms, such as allowed amount, balance billing, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, provider, or other underlined terms, see the Glossary. 2020 SEBB Medical Benefits Comparison showing Plans available for Washougal School Distirct SCHOOL EMPLOYEES BENEFITS BOARD 1 Waived for preferred generic prescription drugs 2 Combined medical and prescription drug deductible 3 Out-of-pocket expenses for a single family member are not to exceed $6,900 HCA 20-0046 (8/19) Benefits (what you pay) Kaiser Permanente NW 1 Kaiser … COVID-19: What you need to know. Vea en el interior sus beneficios del Programa SEBB 2020. x��=ko9r�
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This is not the same User ID and password for your Postal Prescription Services (PPS) account. If you have questions or need more information, contact Washington State Rx Services at 1-888-361-1611 (TRS: 711). UMP SEBB PREFERRED DRUG LIST. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . Register. Uniform Medical Plan WASHINGTON STATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES . Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) is a self-funded health plan offered through the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program and the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program. MN��\���W? stream
SEBB – School Employees Benefits Board . To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … The benefit coverage limits listed below apply to these UMP plans: Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Classic (PEBB) UMP Consumer-Directed Health Plan (UMP CDHP) (PEBB) UMP Plus–Puget Sound High Value Network (UMP Plus–PSHVN) (PEBB) UMP Plus–UW Medicine Accountable Care Network (UMP Plus–UW Medicine ACN) (PEBB) UMP Achieve 1 (SEBB) UMP Achieve 2 (SEBB) UMP High Deductible Plan (SEBB) UMP … Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) High Deductible (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 7 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. Please check with your payroll or benefits office for more specific information on monthly premiums and any other costs associated with UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN. SBC – Summary of Benefits and Coverage . If you are a UMP member living internationally and you have questions about your benefits and coverage, you can use email, live chat, or Skype to contact UMP Customer Service. Specialty drugs are limited to up to a 30-day supply, and must be purchased through the plan’s network specialty pharmacy, Ardon Health, 1-855-425-4085. Comparison of Dental Plans. Medical Plans: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Washington Kaiser Permanente NW 1,2,3 MY.KO.ORG/SEBB 1-800-813-2000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Since all UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers are also contracted with Regence, both UMP Plus – UW Medicine ACN providers and Regence support network providers will show up when you use the provider search on the Find a Doctor webpage. TMJ – Temporomandibular joint . As of January 2020, all school employees across the state will be getting their healthcare benefits through the State of Washington School Employee Benefits … 0
While the school employee is quarantined, or required to care for a family member who is quarantined (“quarantine” is defined in the bill). To browse each plan’s network or to find a s… Supported by Regence, UMP Plus — PSHVN connects eligible School Employee Benefits Board (SEBB) Program members to high-quality primary and specialty care, close to home. ��`��mz�]�G����'�B�q��^�yc^�ܓ�L3�>Ĝ(���`���7��i!g�BK��~r��Fzy�9ܸy������2���M��UYw��V�N�̇,0�(DHc���sG`����L���'\��p��1j��"�� �lP� 9B�W��H7��k��1V�� Note: To make sure you pay the right amount for your prescription, always show your UMP ID. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay for Covered Services Coverage Period: 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020 Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) Achieve 2 (SEBB) Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type: PPO 1 of 9 The Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document will help you choose a health plan. 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