Monthly Salary. Competitive salary. Start your new career right now! Delivery boy Biker Document Collection Job, BANK DOCUMENTS COLLCTION JOB SELARY 28000 APPLY NOW, HDFC BANK DOCUMENTS COLLCTION JOB SELARY 27500 APPLY NOW, BANK DOCUMENT COLLECTION JOB 22000 SELARY APPLY NOW, HDFC BANK DOCUMENT COLLECTION JOB 19500 SELARY APPLY Now, FRESHER URGENT HARING SBI BANK DOCUMENTS COLLECTION JOBS IN DELHI, HDFC bank document collection job 21500 selary apply new. 174 Vacancy Delhi Metro jobs available in Delhi, Delhi on Browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic and click the... Next job and see who is recruiting and apply directly on September... Has introduced, for the first time in the country, ticketing passenger... Recent ; Sort by Oldest ; Filter jobs Roles { { val } } Locality send emails things... 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jobs in delhi metro for token counter

Apply Online For Delhi Metro Token Operator Job at DMRC in Saket, Delhi on DMRC Recruitment 2021: Latest DMRC Jobs (Delhi metro rail corporation) online for Freshers. Sort by Popular. Find latest Delhi Metro Token Operator Jobs Openings in Delhi. Consultant – Artificial Intelligence, Aerospace & Defense and Pharma, Life Sc[...], Experience: 2+ yrs Location: Noida Job Description ~5 days week working culture ~ Incentives & Yearly Bonus ~200m from the, opportunity of working with overseas clients in Indian working hours. Apply to Urgent Requirement Of Token Operator In Dmrc Job in Perfect Solution Group. Working hours are 12 hours in a dayVikaspuri, New DelhiRohini, New DelhiDwarka, New DelhiPitampura, New DelhiNajafgarh, New Delhi. Reach out to millions of job offers by posting your resume and creating alerts for free. FOR APPLY  CALL/WHATSAP HR NISHANT-(***) ***-****, Recruitment Head/Vertical Head/Business Unit Head – Retail Recruitment, Education: MBA- HR/Marketing Job Description ~5 days week working culture ~ Incentives & Yearly Bonus ~200m from the, station ~ Two-ways learning process Responsibilities: Strategically plan the overall management objectives, in ensuring, Recruiter/Consultant – Automobile, Industrial & Engineering, Infrastructure & Power Recruitment, Incentives Education: Graduate Job Description ~5 days week working culture ~ Incentives & Yearly Bonus ~200m from the, station ~ Two-ways learning process Responsibilities: Understanding the client’s requirements thoroughly Sourcing, with newer specifications of EcmaScript● Familiarity with RESTful APIs● Knowledge of modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web. Operator, Facilitator, Senior Design Engineer and more! All Top employers. Contact Information Metro Bhawan Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001, India Board No. 50 job vacancies available of token operator metro to find the job offer you're seeking. 207 Delhi Metro jobs available in Mahipalpur, Delhi on Copyright © 2008 - 2021 Quikr India Private Limited, Thanks for submitting the details our executive will contact you soon, - Bhikaji Cama Place, Badarpur, Laxmi Nagar, Yamuna Vihar, - Mahipalpur, Kapashera, Rangpuri, Rajokri, Grocery-Delivery, Food-Delivery, Courier-Delivery, Van-Delivery, - Sangam Vihar, Kapashera, Burari, Badarpur, Grocery-Delivery, Food-Delivery, Courier-Delivery, Other-Delivery/Collection, - Chawri Bazar, Anand Vihar, Connaught Place, Punjabi Bagh, - Andrews Ganj, Bakkarwala, Block A3, Dwarka Sector 20, - Arya Samaj Road, Brar Square, Dera Village, Greater Kailash III, - Narela, Rohini, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Sarai Rohilla, - Rajouri Garden, Saket, Shahdara, Palam, - Janakpuri, Shahdara, Kalkaji, Punjabi Bagh, - Adhyapak Nagar, Alaknanda, Bahapur, Lutyens Zone, - Rajouri Garden, Hauz Khas, Sultanpuri, Anand Vihar, - Mayapuri Industrial Area Phase I, Mayapuri, Please enter the name with atleast 3 characters, Beware of fraud agents! Executive, Housekeeper, Android Developer and more! Sort by Popular. Sort by Popular; Sort by Recent; Sort by Oldest; Filter jobs Roles {{val}} Locality . Profile- Token Counter Job in Delhi Metro Qualification- 12th/any graduation Location- Delhi/NCR Salary- 10000 k Key Skills Token Counter Token Operator Industry Hotel / Travel / Airline / Hospitality Functional Area Hotel / Travel / Airlines Number of Vacancy 30 Education Higher Secondary, Secondary School, Diploma, Other Bachelor Degree, Other Master Degree About Vardaan Infosoft … 3 job vacancies available of token operator metro in delhi to find the job offer you're seeking. Search new Metro Token Jobs in Delhi find your next job and see who is recruiting and apply directly on Full Time Jobs. Sign up to Subscribe. Monthly. swiggy . Operator / HOUSEKEEPING MANAGER qualification- Minimum 12th Pass with Good Communication Skills salary- 25K-40K+ Incentive facilities- Metro Travel Free + Uniform FOR APPLY  CALL/WHTSAP HR HARSH-, HANDLING CUSTOMER  qualification- Minimum 12th Pass with Good Communication Skills salary- 25k + Incentive facilities-, Travel Free + Uniform location- Delhi  Salary3 Lac To 4 Lac 25 Thousand P.A. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited Recruitment 2021-2022| Current DMRC, Delhi Jobs Opening Notification. 9540207--- Job Type. Qualification- Minimum 12th Pass With Good Communication Skills. Experience. Apply for Metro token jobs. QuikrJobs offers the largest platform for job seekers. Salary- Rs. Sort by Popular. We will send emails on things on which we think you will need to know. The best job vacancies in Trovit. Start your new career right now! There are a total of 183 stations in the metro, which will be 227 after completion of phase 3 project. do not pay money to get a job, Please enter the age with atleast 1 character, Urgent Opening Token Operator Jobs Fresher, Amazon. Sort by Popular; Sort by Recent; Sort by Oldest; Filter jobs Roles {{val}} Locality . Top employers in Delhi. Sec-75, Noida We’re Hiring Spectrum Metro, a very well known name in the field of high street commercial project located at prominent location of Sector 75, Noida Invites application from young, energetic and Result-driven person for the following positions: Finance Executive Female For Millinum Plaza nr Huda, Finance Executive Female For Millinum Plaza Nr Huda, Gurgaon Gurgaon Handling Accounting GST ,Finance , Billing General Accounts ,Invoicing ITR Knowledge Experience2 - 7 Years Salary 2 Lac 50 Thousand To 3 Lac 50 Thousand P.A. Search and apply for the leading Delhi Metro job offers in New Delhi. Reach out to millions of job … 4o,000 In Account Per Month, Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Sort by Popular; Sort by Recent; Sort by Oldest; Filter jobs Roles {{val}} Locality ... Delhi Metro Rail Corporation For Token Operator . You can search for relevant jobs in your city and locality. Metro token jobs is easy to find. Terms of Use are applicable. Fast & Free. Quikr will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) plans to implement the free metro service in the short term by making tokens compulsory for those women commuters wishing to avail the offer. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation provides recruitment process for Account assistant, Engineers, Section officer, General Manager (GM), Maintainer, Station controller, Train Operator and other Job vacancy post. 16 Vacancy Delhi Metro Rail jobs available on The ticket which could be a token or card is purchased from the Ticket Counter or Customer Care Centre. Subscribe for latest updates on DMRC job openings.The Delhi metro rail corporation is a state owned enterprise that controls the Delhi metro. Candidate need to visit on field and generate leadsPitch the phone pe product to the retailers and small corporates (Like paytm did earlier)Convert lead and onboard the clients.Maintains relationships with clients by providing support, information, and guidance researching and... ​Use of various sales methods (door-to-door, merchants on-boarding)Develop new sales strategies and modelsEvaluate sales strategies' effectivenessEvaluate customers needsBuild long-lasting merchant relationshipsMeet personal and team sales targetsAttend the meeting, sales events... Job Description ~ Required Vehicle-Automatic car Job Requirement Experience 1.5 to 2 Years Internship No Skills Vehicle-Automatic car Comfortable with Specialized Course(s) Fire Arm License Fire Arm Height 0 Feet 0 Inch Driving... Job Description ~ Required Vehicle-Manual car Job Requirement Experience Fresher Internship No Skills Vehicle-Manual car Comfortable with Specialized Course(s) Fire Arm License Fire Arm Height 0 Feet 0 Inch Driving License ... Job Description ~ Required Vehicle, Segment Job Requirement Experience Fresher Internship No Skills Vehicle, Segment Comfortable with Specialized Course(s) Fire Arm License Fire Arm Height 0 Feet 0 Inch Driving License Yes... Job Description ~ Required Others - Ola/uber Job Requirement Experience 6 Months to 1 Year Internship No Skills Others - Ola/uber Comfortable with Specialized Course(s) Fire Arm License Fire Arm Height 0 Feet 0 Inch Driving License... It’s an easy way to apply to all of those that match you perfectly. 17 Delhi Metro Rail jobs available on Familiarity with modern front-end build pipelines and tools● Experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel, Telesales: Online Training and Technical Courses, Conversing the lead into potential customers over telephoneGood sales and negotiation skills Cold calling of leads Ability to explain complex information clearly and simply Maintaining MISSector 48, Gurgaon, Business Development Executive:- Delhi (G, Sr. Recruiter/Sr. token counter job in dmrc in Delhi. DELHI METRO . metro jobs information India Metro ticket counter new jobs 2017 Delhi Metro Metro jobs information THE TYPE... Best Job Interview Tips for Getting a Job 2017-18 20. 237 Delhi Metro jobs available in Delhi on Apply for Metro token jobs in Delhi. 12th pass delhi metro token counter Jobs. Find More Latest Similar Token Operator Delhi Metro Opening on - 011-23417910/11/12 The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is a state owned company that operates the Delhi metro in the national capital region of India. Explore 318.000+ new and current Job vacancies. ... salary- 25k + Incentive facilities- Metro Travel Free + Uniform location- Delhi Salary 3 Lac To 4 Lac 25 Thousand P.A token operator metro in Delhi, delhi... from: - 3 days ago. Subscribe and Follow. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Opportunity to work with international clients. 0 - 3 yrs . You can search for relevant jobs in your city and locality. Continuous learning on emerging technologies. IndustryAccounting / Auditing, HSCC (I) Ltd Recruitment for Managing Director deputation job vacancy at New Delhi, Managing Director job vacancy through deputation has been advertised at HSCC (I) Ltd through Public Enterprises Selection Board, eligible candidates required to apply through prescribed application format provided, the last date for receipt of application is 08.03.2021, associate mis and reporting job description. Please check your email and click on the link to verify. Monthly Salary. Courier Job all delhi ncr covers delivery boys urgent requirement company salary 25000. ... Delhi metro profile: token oprator call hr m. K john. QuikrJobs offers the largest platform for job seekers. Metro Token Counter jobs in Delhi - Check out latest Metro Token Counter job vacancies in Delhi with eligibility, salary, companies etc. . More than 80 percent of the passengers currently use Smart Cards during a visit to the Metro. NEWSLETTER SIGN UP. Apply free to various Metro Token Counter job openings ! Job email alerts. Login / Register yourself. Job Type- Contract Bases. Payout -540 MGPer Order -30 Shift Time -12 Hours Bike MandatoryThe candidate has to deliver the grocery to the respective location. Even better is to search for jobs by type like Full Time, Part Time, Summer Trainees - Interns, Work From Home or Freelancing. 04 September 2019 - Explore Metro token counter jobs in Delhi with 0 to 1 years of experience via Export industry. Delhi Metro has introduced, for the first time in the country, ticketing and passenger control through a completely Automatic Fare Collection system. Urgent Requirement For Boys For Field Work In Courier Services Work. Find & Apply the for best Govt job vacancies at DMRC. QuikrJobs does not promise a Job or an Interview in exchange of money. The best job vacancies in Trovit. Editorial – English (sky Books – A Venture of Ratna Sagar) - Delhi, Facilitator, Vice President of Strategy and more! Explore all 321.000+ current Jobs in India and abroad. Another DMRC official said that Delhi Metro has tokens counter at some … Company. We are located in Noida SEZ, within 10 minutes’ walk to nearest. Delhi Metro removes token counters from 70 stations, time to get tech-savvy The facility of buying Metro tokens or recharging smart cards will be available at customer care centres. Sort by Popular; Sort by Recent; Sort by Oldest; Filter jobs Roles {{val}} Locality . Metro token jobs is easy to find. Monthly Salary. ... Gurgaon, Noida Experience: Fresher Open Positions: 5 Key Skills: Counter Handling We are hiring for Token... 30+ days ago in careesma . Operator, Facilitator, Design Engineer and more! Register with Teamlease to apply online for similar kind of Metro token counter jobs. Environmental Engineer, Customer Support Representative, PHP Developer and more! Metro stations in the A category, such as New Delhi Railway Station and Anand Vihar, which witness huge footfall of first time metro users every day, are going to retain manual token … Even better is to search for jobs by type like Full Time, Part Time, Summer Trainees - Interns, Work From Home or Freelancing. Monthly Salary. Competitive salary. Start your new career right now! Delivery boy Biker Document Collection Job, BANK DOCUMENTS COLLCTION JOB SELARY 28000 APPLY NOW, HDFC BANK DOCUMENTS COLLCTION JOB SELARY 27500 APPLY NOW, BANK DOCUMENT COLLECTION JOB 22000 SELARY APPLY NOW, HDFC BANK DOCUMENT COLLECTION JOB 19500 SELARY APPLY Now, FRESHER URGENT HARING SBI BANK DOCUMENTS COLLECTION JOBS IN DELHI, HDFC bank document collection job 21500 selary apply new. 174 Vacancy Delhi Metro jobs available in Delhi, Delhi on Browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic and click the... 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