Wo+rterbuch (2000), which provides a wealth of data and thorough discussion, but for Latin, before de Vaan's work appeared, one had to use Walde-Hofmann (1938) or Ernout-Meillet (1959). This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN: 978-90-04-16797-1. Langue / Language : latin / Latin. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2009, ISBN 978 … Print. Boston. There are no reviews yet. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. - Volume 100 This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN 9004167978 €229.00, $341.00. Buy Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel de (ISBN: 9789004167971) from Amazon's Book Store. €238.00. Abstract: In this long study, our point of departure is particular entries in Michiel de Vaan’s Latin Etymological Dictionary (2008). ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) 1 vol. By Michiel de Vaan. Please enter manually:","bd_js_keep_typing_to_refine_search_results":"Keep typing to refine the search results","bd_js_top_categories":"Top Categories","bd_price_save":"Save {0}","bd_js_name_only_letters":"Sorry, full name can only contain letters","bd_js_show_more":"show more","bd_js_enter_valid_email_address":"Please enter a valid email address","bd_js_enter_address_manually":"Enter address manually","bd_js_more_categories":"More Categories","bd_js_continue_shopping":"Continue Shopping","bd_js_account_and_help":"Account & Help","bd_js_basket_checkout":"Basket / Checkout","bd_add_to_basket":"Add to basket","bd_js_enter_first_last_name":"Please enter a first and last name","bd_js_please_enter_your":"Please enter your"}. Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and showyou relevant content on advertising. Research method 2 4. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) , “latex”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), … €238.00. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. Corpus ID: 53851251. Michiel DE VAAN, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. xiv + 825. Scopri Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages di de Vaan, Michiel: spedizione gratuita per i clienti Prime e per ordini a partire da 29€ spediti da Amazon. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. The aim of the project is to compile a new and comprehensive etymological dictionary of the inherited vocabulary attested in the Indo-European languages, replacing the now outdated dictionary of Pokorny (1959). Date : 2008. Add to Wishlist. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) © 2021  comment. xiv + 826. Etymological Dictionary Of Latin: And The Other Italic Languages by De Vaan, Michiel A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. Michiel Vaan, Etymological Dictionary Of Latin. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages. Type : Livre / Book. Can you add one? Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages / by Michiel de Vaan. Written in English. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Etymological Dictionary of Latin.  191,80 €, 21,25 € Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns.de Because we use cookies to provide you our services, they cannot be disabled when used for these purposes. xiv + 826. We are interested in possibly Semitic etyma. Prix : 229 €. 47,34 € Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel De at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 9004167978 - ISBN 13: 9789004167971 - Brill - 2008 - Hardcover De Vaan had been at the University of Leiden since 1991, first as a student and later as a teacher. Vaan, Michiel de. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages by Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan, 2008, Brill edition, in English {"bd_js_shop":"Shop","bd_js_too_long_for_shipping_label":"Sorry, that's too long for our shipping labels","bd_js_too_long":"Sorry, that's too long","bd_js_could_not_find_address_try_again":"Sorry, we couldn't find the address. Date : 2008. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. 1 Bedroom All Inclusive Ottawa, Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Poop, Kahulugan Ng Tumatangis, Merseytravel Bus Pass Over 60, Blue Mormon Scientific Name, Uneven Teeth Personality, "/> Wo+rterbuch (2000), which provides a wealth of data and thorough discussion, but for Latin, before de Vaan's work appeared, one had to use Walde-Hofmann (1938) or Ernout-Meillet (1959). This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN: 978-90-04-16797-1. Langue / Language : latin / Latin. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2009, ISBN 978 … Print. Boston. There are no reviews yet. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. - Volume 100 This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN 9004167978 €229.00, $341.00. Buy Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel de (ISBN: 9789004167971) from Amazon's Book Store. €238.00. Abstract: In this long study, our point of departure is particular entries in Michiel de Vaan’s Latin Etymological Dictionary (2008). ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) 1 vol. By Michiel de Vaan. Please enter manually:","bd_js_keep_typing_to_refine_search_results":"Keep typing to refine the search results","bd_js_top_categories":"Top Categories","bd_price_save":"Save {0}","bd_js_name_only_letters":"Sorry, full name can only contain letters","bd_js_show_more":"show more","bd_js_enter_valid_email_address":"Please enter a valid email address","bd_js_enter_address_manually":"Enter address manually","bd_js_more_categories":"More Categories","bd_js_continue_shopping":"Continue Shopping","bd_js_account_and_help":"Account & Help","bd_js_basket_checkout":"Basket / Checkout","bd_add_to_basket":"Add to basket","bd_js_enter_first_last_name":"Please enter a first and last name","bd_js_please_enter_your":"Please enter your"}. Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and showyou relevant content on advertising. Research method 2 4. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) , “latex”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), … €238.00. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. Corpus ID: 53851251. Michiel DE VAAN, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. xiv + 825. Scopri Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages di de Vaan, Michiel: spedizione gratuita per i clienti Prime e per ordini a partire da 29€ spediti da Amazon. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. The aim of the project is to compile a new and comprehensive etymological dictionary of the inherited vocabulary attested in the Indo-European languages, replacing the now outdated dictionary of Pokorny (1959). Date : 2008. Add to Wishlist. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) © 2021  comment. xiv + 826. Etymological Dictionary Of Latin: And The Other Italic Languages by De Vaan, Michiel A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. Michiel Vaan, Etymological Dictionary Of Latin. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages. Type : Livre / Book. Can you add one? Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages / by Michiel de Vaan. Written in English. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Etymological Dictionary of Latin.  191,80 €, 21,25 € Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns.de Because we use cookies to provide you our services, they cannot be disabled when used for these purposes. xiv + 826. We are interested in possibly Semitic etyma. Prix : 229 €. 47,34 € Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel De at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 9004167978 - ISBN 13: 9789004167971 - Brill - 2008 - Hardcover De Vaan had been at the University of Leiden since 1991, first as a student and later as a teacher. Vaan, Michiel de. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages by Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan, 2008, Brill edition, in English {"bd_js_shop":"Shop","bd_js_too_long_for_shipping_label":"Sorry, that's too long for our shipping labels","bd_js_too_long":"Sorry, that's too long","bd_js_could_not_find_address_try_again":"Sorry, we couldn't find the address. Date : 2008. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. 1 Bedroom All Inclusive Ottawa, Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Poop, Kahulugan Ng Tumatangis, Merseytravel Bus Pass Over 60, Blue Mormon Scientific Name, Uneven Teeth Personality, "/> Wo+rterbuch (2000), which provides a wealth of data and thorough discussion, but for Latin, before de Vaan's work appeared, one had to use Walde-Hofmann (1938) or Ernout-Meillet (1959). This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN: 978-90-04-16797-1. Langue / Language : latin / Latin. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2009, ISBN 978 … Print. Boston. There are no reviews yet. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. - Volume 100 This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN 9004167978 €229.00, $341.00. Buy Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel de (ISBN: 9789004167971) from Amazon's Book Store. €238.00. Abstract: In this long study, our point of departure is particular entries in Michiel de Vaan’s Latin Etymological Dictionary (2008). ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) 1 vol. By Michiel de Vaan. Please enter manually:","bd_js_keep_typing_to_refine_search_results":"Keep typing to refine the search results","bd_js_top_categories":"Top Categories","bd_price_save":"Save {0}","bd_js_name_only_letters":"Sorry, full name can only contain letters","bd_js_show_more":"show more","bd_js_enter_valid_email_address":"Please enter a valid email address","bd_js_enter_address_manually":"Enter address manually","bd_js_more_categories":"More Categories","bd_js_continue_shopping":"Continue Shopping","bd_js_account_and_help":"Account & Help","bd_js_basket_checkout":"Basket / Checkout","bd_add_to_basket":"Add to basket","bd_js_enter_first_last_name":"Please enter a first and last name","bd_js_please_enter_your":"Please enter your"}. Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and showyou relevant content on advertising. Research method 2 4. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) , “latex”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), … €238.00. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. Corpus ID: 53851251. Michiel DE VAAN, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. xiv + 825. Scopri Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages di de Vaan, Michiel: spedizione gratuita per i clienti Prime e per ordini a partire da 29€ spediti da Amazon. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. The aim of the project is to compile a new and comprehensive etymological dictionary of the inherited vocabulary attested in the Indo-European languages, replacing the now outdated dictionary of Pokorny (1959). Date : 2008. Add to Wishlist. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) © 2021  comment. xiv + 826. Etymological Dictionary Of Latin: And The Other Italic Languages by De Vaan, Michiel A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. Michiel Vaan, Etymological Dictionary Of Latin. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages. Type : Livre / Book. Can you add one? Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages / by Michiel de Vaan. Written in English. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Etymological Dictionary of Latin.  191,80 €, 21,25 € Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns.de Because we use cookies to provide you our services, they cannot be disabled when used for these purposes. xiv + 826. We are interested in possibly Semitic etyma. Prix : 229 €. 47,34 € Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel De at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 9004167978 - ISBN 13: 9789004167971 - Brill - 2008 - Hardcover De Vaan had been at the University of Leiden since 1991, first as a student and later as a teacher. Vaan, Michiel de. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages by Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan, 2008, Brill edition, in English {"bd_js_shop":"Shop","bd_js_too_long_for_shipping_label":"Sorry, that's too long for our shipping labels","bd_js_too_long":"Sorry, that's too long","bd_js_could_not_find_address_try_again":"Sorry, we couldn't find the address. Date : 2008. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. 1 Bedroom All Inclusive Ottawa, Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Poop, Kahulugan Ng Tumatangis, Merseytravel Bus Pass Over 60, Blue Mormon Scientific Name, Uneven Teeth Personality, "/> Wo+rterbuch (2000), which provides a wealth of data and thorough discussion, but for Latin, before de Vaan's work appeared, one had to use Walde-Hofmann (1938) or Ernout-Meillet (1959). This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN: 978-90-04-16797-1. Langue / Language : latin / Latin. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2009, ISBN 978 … Print. Boston. There are no reviews yet. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. - Volume 100 This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN 9004167978 €229.00, $341.00. Buy Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel de (ISBN: 9789004167971) from Amazon's Book Store. €238.00. Abstract: In this long study, our point of departure is particular entries in Michiel de Vaan’s Latin Etymological Dictionary (2008). ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) 1 vol. By Michiel de Vaan. Please enter manually:","bd_js_keep_typing_to_refine_search_results":"Keep typing to refine the search results","bd_js_top_categories":"Top Categories","bd_price_save":"Save {0}","bd_js_name_only_letters":"Sorry, full name can only contain letters","bd_js_show_more":"show more","bd_js_enter_valid_email_address":"Please enter a valid email address","bd_js_enter_address_manually":"Enter address manually","bd_js_more_categories":"More Categories","bd_js_continue_shopping":"Continue Shopping","bd_js_account_and_help":"Account & Help","bd_js_basket_checkout":"Basket / Checkout","bd_add_to_basket":"Add to basket","bd_js_enter_first_last_name":"Please enter a first and last name","bd_js_please_enter_your":"Please enter your"}. Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and showyou relevant content on advertising. Research method 2 4. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) , “latex”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), … €238.00. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. Corpus ID: 53851251. Michiel DE VAAN, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. xiv + 825. Scopri Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages di de Vaan, Michiel: spedizione gratuita per i clienti Prime e per ordini a partire da 29€ spediti da Amazon. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. The aim of the project is to compile a new and comprehensive etymological dictionary of the inherited vocabulary attested in the Indo-European languages, replacing the now outdated dictionary of Pokorny (1959). Date : 2008. Add to Wishlist. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) © 2021  comment. xiv + 826. Etymological Dictionary Of Latin: And The Other Italic Languages by De Vaan, Michiel A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. Michiel Vaan, Etymological Dictionary Of Latin. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages. Type : Livre / Book. Can you add one? Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages / by Michiel de Vaan. Written in English. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Etymological Dictionary of Latin.  191,80 €, 21,25 € Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns.de Because we use cookies to provide you our services, they cannot be disabled when used for these purposes. xiv + 826. We are interested in possibly Semitic etyma. Prix : 229 €. 47,34 € Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel De at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 9004167978 - ISBN 13: 9789004167971 - Brill - 2008 - Hardcover De Vaan had been at the University of Leiden since 1991, first as a student and later as a teacher. Vaan, Michiel de. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages by Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan, 2008, Brill edition, in English {"bd_js_shop":"Shop","bd_js_too_long_for_shipping_label":"Sorry, that's too long for our shipping labels","bd_js_too_long":"Sorry, that's too long","bd_js_could_not_find_address_try_again":"Sorry, we couldn't find the address. Date : 2008. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. 1 Bedroom All Inclusive Ottawa, Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Poop, Kahulugan Ng Tumatangis, Merseytravel Bus Pass Over 60, Blue Mormon Scientific Name, Uneven Teeth Personality, "/>
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etymological dictionary of latin de vaan

Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages, by Michiel de Vaan. ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Langue / Language : anglais / English. Etymological Dictionary of Latin: and the other Italic Languages available in Hardcover. “Review of M. De Vaan, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages.” BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEW 2010 : n. pag. Pp. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. - Volume 60 Issue 2 - … ISBN : 978-90-04-16797-1. Michiel de Vaan. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon: Hrach Martirosyan: 2010: Etymological Dictionary of Greek (2 vols.) Amazon配送商品ならEtymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary)が通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。de Vaan, Michiel作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 [Michiel Arnnoud Cor de Vaan] (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.)  38,60 €, 15,19 € Latin is without doubt one of the significant historical Indo-European languages and one of many cornerstones of Indo-European stories. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Etymological Dictionary of Greek, by Robert Beekes with the assistance of Lucien van Beck.  30,90 €, 74,29 € Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages By Michiel de Vaan BRILL LEIDEN • B O S T O N 2008 uy LIIC unanciai support of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NYVO). 16,5 x 24,5 cm, XIII-825 p. (LEIDEN INDO-EUROPEAN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SERIES, 7). Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, 7. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages: Vaan, Dr Michiel: Amazon.com.mx: Libros because the final accomplished etymological dictionary of Latin seemed in 1959, huge, immense growth has been made within the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and lots of etymologies were revised. Pp. We use cookies to understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages × ... by Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 978-90-04-16853-4. de Vaan, Michiel (2008). Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin … 2006). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2008. xiii, 825. de-vaan-michiel-etymological-dictionary-of-latin Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t0wq8pk7d Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Page_number_confidence 1.79 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 2008  72,40 €, 174,29 € By (author) Michiel De Vaan. ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. Languages, texts and authors ix B. Reconstruction, grammar and text xii C. Symbols xiii INTRODUCTION 1 1.  82,80 €, 20,13 € Edited by Alexander Lubotsky.Brill Leiden-Boston, 2008. xiv, 826 Seiten. x 235 The Book Depository Ltd.UK.  16,00 €, Editors Of The American Heritage Dictionaries, 78,99 € xiv + 825. - Volume 100 The site has become a favorite resource of teachers of reading, spelling, and English as a second language. |, 155 Current price is , Original price is $375.0. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. x 43.18mm M. De Vaan, ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF LATIN AND THE OTHER ITALIC LANGUAGES. It consists of nearly 1900 entries, which altogether discuss about 8000 Latin lemmata. Available. Pp. Michiel Vaan, Etymological Dictionary Of Latin by Michiel Vaan. for example, to keep track of items stored in your shopping basket, prevent fraudulent activity, improve the security of our services, keep track of your specific preferences (such as currency or language preferences), and display features, products and services that might be of interest to you. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Etymological Dictionary of Latin – Michiel de Vaan jellemzői, vásárlási tanácsok, boltok rendezése árak szerint. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary) by Michiel De Vaan (2016-06-02) | Michiel De Vaan;Dr Michiel Vaan | ISBN: | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. xiv + 825. Definition of Italic 1 3. Publication date 2018-10-31 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Topics latin, language, etimology Collection opensource Language English. ISBN: 978-90-04-16797-1. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. on October 31, 2018. Etymological Dictionary of Latin von Michiel de Vaan (ISBN 978-90-04-32189-2) bestellen. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. "Specialists will learn much from this work.". Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages By Michiel de Vaan '6 81 BRILL LEIDEN • BOSTON 2008. Share. Brill Academic Publishers. Ce dictionnaire fait partie du projet Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary) Paperback – June 2, 2016. by Dr Michiel Vaan (Author) 3.7 out of 5 stars 4 ratings. barbatus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette barbatus in William Smith, editor (1848) A Dictionary of Greek Biography and Mythology , London: John Murray De Vaan, Michiel (2008) Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN , page 69 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Etymological Dictionary of Latin: and the other Italic Languages by Michiel de Vaan (Paperback, 2016) at the best online prices at eBay! Etymological Dictionary of Latin (and the other Italic Languages). 0 Ratings 0 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read; This edition was published in 2008 by Brill in Leiden, . Hier befindet sich eine Übersicht der Werke, für die solche Vorlagen bereits erstellt worden sind. xiv + 825. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages (vol. Gebunden, 248,00 EUR. You can learn more about our use of cookies here. A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. Get FREE shipping on Etymological Dictionary of Latin by Michiel de Vaan, from wordery.com. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) Robert Beekes (assisted by Lucien van Beek) 2008: Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic: Ranko Matasović: 2008: Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages: Michiel de Vaan: 2008 Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. For example, The Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online database (by Brill) already includes eleven dictionaries, including de Vaan's Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages. Cased, €238, US$341. Michiel de Vaan (Ph.D. 2002) teaches comparative Indo-European linguistics, historical linguistics and dialectology at Leiden University. | 1,241g, Language Teaching & Learning Material & Coursework, Classical History / Classical Civilisation, Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World, Greek Lyric, Volume III: Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Others, The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, The Penguin Dictionary of Critical Theory, Webster's New Explorer Large Print Dictionary, Fowler's Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage, English Dictionary and Thesaurus Essential, Cambridge English Proficiency 2 Student's Book without Answers, New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors, The Penguin Dictionary of Art and Artists, English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, New Oxford American Dictionary, Third Edition, English Pronunciation in Use Elementary Book with Answers and Downloadable Audio, Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic, Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon, Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon, Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. Zu Artikeldetails zurückkehren Michiel de Vaan: Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages Herunterladen PDF herunterladen Michiel de Vaan: Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages Herunterladen PDF herunterladen Michiel de Vaan. including ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Pp. Hrach K. Martirosyan: Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon. Catalogue Worldcat. Review by. xiv + 826. Be the first one to … Etymological Dictionary Of Latin Addeddate 2020-04-27 22:16:08 Identifier de-vaan-michiel-etymological-dictionary-of-latin Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t0wq8pk7d Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Page_number_confidence 1.79 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Year 2008 . and the other Italic Languages Volume 7 By: Michiel de Vaan. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies.  363,50 €, Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. Unfortunately, most of the resources are behind a paywall. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo … Free delivery for many products! Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Etymological Dictionary of Latin : And the Other Italic Languages by Michiel de Vaan (2016, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! This new etymological dictionary covers the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2008, ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. It is professional enough to satisfy academic standards, but accessible enough to be used by anyone. of etymological information, but de Vaan's book is the only purely etymological one. All words attested before Cicero are included, together with their first date of attestation in Latin. Dispatched from the UK in 6 business days.  24,20 €, 30,04 € An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Table of Contents. Cased, €238, … Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive, Uploaded by Aim of this dictionary 1 2. This new etymological dictionary covers the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin. M. De Vaan, ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF LATIN AND THE OTHER ITALIC LANGUAGES. Diese Vorlage dient der Erzeugung vollständiger bibliografischer Angaben in Einträgen. This edition doesn't have a description yet. Pp. Etymological Dictionary Of Latin: And The Other Italic Languages by De Vaan, Michiel A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. pdf; Раздел: Латинский язык → Словари; Leiden; Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-european Etymological Dictionary) by Michiel de Vaan (Author) 4.0 out of 5 stars 2 … Boston. Boston, 2008, Oct 31, 2018 - Foreign Language Study - 825 … plus-circle Add Review. - Volume 60 Issue 2 - J.G.F. Date: 06/25/2008 Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. Etymological Dictionary of Latin: and the other Italic Languages . 2 voll. ISBN-10: 9004167978 ISBN-13: 9789004167971 Pub. 7 in the series "Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary"). Vidusa For the Sabellic languages we have of course Untermann's important Wo+rterbuch (2000), which provides a wealth of data and thorough discussion, but for Latin, before de Vaan's work appeared, one had to use Walde-Hofmann (1938) or Ernout-Meillet (1959). This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN: 978-90-04-16797-1. Langue / Language : latin / Latin. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in 1959, enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden/Boston 2009, ISBN 978 … Print. Boston. There are no reviews yet. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. - Volume 100 This dictionary forms part of the project Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, which was initiated by Robert Beekes and Alexander Lubotsky in 1991. ISBN 9004167978 €229.00, $341.00. Buy Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel de (ISBN: 9789004167971) from Amazon's Book Store. €238.00. Abstract: In this long study, our point of departure is particular entries in Michiel de Vaan’s Latin Etymological Dictionary (2008). ISBN 978-90-04-16797-1. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) 1 vol. By Michiel de Vaan. Please enter manually:","bd_js_keep_typing_to_refine_search_results":"Keep typing to refine the search results","bd_js_top_categories":"Top Categories","bd_price_save":"Save {0}","bd_js_name_only_letters":"Sorry, full name can only contain letters","bd_js_show_more":"show more","bd_js_enter_valid_email_address":"Please enter a valid email address","bd_js_enter_address_manually":"Enter address manually","bd_js_more_categories":"More Categories","bd_js_continue_shopping":"Continue Shopping","bd_js_account_and_help":"Account & Help","bd_js_basket_checkout":"Basket / Checkout","bd_add_to_basket":"Add to basket","bd_js_enter_first_last_name":"Please enter a first and last name","bd_js_please_enter_your":"Please enter your"}. Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and showyou relevant content on advertising. Research method 2 4. ^ De Vaan, Michiel (2008) , “latex”, in Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), … €238.00. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. Corpus ID: 53851251. Michiel DE VAAN, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. xiv + 825. Scopri Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages di de Vaan, Michiel: spedizione gratuita per i clienti Prime e per ordini a partire da 29€ spediti da Amazon. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic. Editeur / Publisher : Leiden : Brill , 2008. The aim of the project is to compile a new and comprehensive etymological dictionary of the inherited vocabulary attested in the Indo-European languages, replacing the now outdated dictionary of Pokorny (1959). Date : 2008. Add to Wishlist. (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series 7.) © 2021  comment. xiv + 826. Etymological Dictionary Of Latin: And The Other Italic Languages by De Vaan, Michiel A new etymological dictionary of the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin, and of the inherited stock of the other ancient Italic languages, such as Oscan, Umbrian and South Picene. Michiel Vaan, Etymological Dictionary Of Latin. In Pre-Proto-Indo-European, a suffix *-h 2 was used to form plurale tantum nouns out of collective nouns. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages. Type : Livre / Book. Can you add one? Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages / by Michiel de Vaan. Written in English. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. Etymological Dictionary of Latin.  191,80 €, 21,25 € Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns.de Because we use cookies to provide you our services, they cannot be disabled when used for these purposes. xiv + 826. We are interested in possibly Semitic etyma. Prix : 229 €. 47,34 € Etymological Dictionary of Latin: And the Other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series): 07 by Vaan, Michiel De at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 9004167978 - ISBN 13: 9789004167971 - Brill - 2008 - Hardcover De Vaan had been at the University of Leiden since 1991, first as a student and later as a teacher. Vaan, Michiel de. Etymological dictionary of Latin and the other Italic languages by Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan, 2008, Brill edition, in English {"bd_js_shop":"Shop","bd_js_too_long_for_shipping_label":"Sorry, that's too long for our shipping labels","bd_js_too_long":"Sorry, that's too long","bd_js_could_not_find_address_try_again":"Sorry, we couldn't find the address. Date : 2008. An Etymological Dictionary of Latin - (M.) De Vaan Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms.

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